This is a picture of my green house in FloorPlanner. FloorPlanner is a website that you can design rooms and floors on. We used it for making a spaceship. In our spaceship we didn’t have limited supplies. In this study we learned about the world. We have limited supplies in our world, we must use them in the best way possible.
I hate homeless people because it makes me sad. I hate subways because they are smelly and dirty. I hate the busy-ness because the people hurt you. I hate gas fumes because it is bad for the environment.

This is my creation! It is a remake on glasses. It has night vision, x-ray vision, ultra violet. It can be sunglasses, long distance, short distance and it can change into any color you want it to be. It can even wipe away water. And no one can see in, so they can’t see if you are sleeping. It is just the better choice in all. Only for 5000$

We made books in spanish of the alphabet with animal pictures. We did not do all the animals in the world.
Mi cerdo es gordo, ruidoso y pesado. Mi cerdo es tonto, grueso y lento. Mi cerdo es claro dorado. Mi cerdo es grande y pelado. Mi cerdo se llama Feroz.
Mi cerdo dice: “tru tru!”
I think that we should make the front cover blank so you can customize it however you like. I don’t really care what the back cover is, I am open to ideas! I think that the very first page should be our schedule for the week so you can always check it. And I think that the very back page should be like a times table and other information things so if you need help with your homework you can go there. And finally the actual planner page, I would have to go with 10 because it is simple which is good, you can draw on it and it is not expensive. It is definitely the better choice!
This piece has taken a lot of time to make. I am very proud of it. Yet I still am working on it.