The musical is coming up. We have two more weeks until the show. The musical is the little mermaid. I am excited to be a part of this show. I am playing one of the sisters to Ariel. My characters name is Andrina. My friends are in the musical this time and it is so much more fun with them. Oni is on costume. She is helping make all the outfits and accessories. Milei is on lights and gets to see the show from the balcony. The set looks amazing and so do the costumes. Everything is so colorful.
Being a teacher for a day was interesting. It was a new experience to have everyone listening to you and waiting for your next command. I also really liked the experience of being able to answer any question they asked. It was nice to have so much knowledge about one topic. I felt like an expert.
Jumping off swings was the book that my group read over the winter break. It was such a good book that I read it in under three days. It brought up multiple problems that young teenagers deal with during pregnancy. It was really helpful to understand what emotions teenagers go through even if it doesn’t seem as tough it would impact them. I really do believe that this book helped me understand our topic and issues that will occur.I suggest this book to other readers.
I played Olivia in the play Twelfth Night. In that play, there is a lot of language that is hard to understand and a lot harder to memorize. I had a lot of lines and the biggest struggle was to get the words in the write order. Your brain automatically wants to correct it so you have to fight off that part too. Over all, it was difficult and a lot of fun. I really liked this play because it was a comedy and there were a lot of good moments in it. I loved my character and the costumes I got to wear. The cast and crew were really great this show and I had a lovely time doing it.
In digital art we worked on Photoshop and then we transitioned to Illustrator. I got the chance to explore how to change an image using pixels and then the comparison of changing lines. I have a idea that I want to pursue in my next project. I would like to upload a picture of Gizmo and make his face into a colorful poster. Gizmo is Oni’s dog that is having trouble with comfortably living. He is old and sadly doesn’t have much time left, but in the time he does I would love to do an art project on him. This project really intrigues me and I can’t wait to get started on it.
This is the first time I have used photoshop in a very long time. I used a photo that I took with my personal camera of Oni. The ideas weren’t really flowing and I went through a lot of trial and error before I got my final product. I masked a lot more than it looks like. I had to mask every individual bubble. I even masked a tree to the side and a bush. I experimented with a lot of filters and tints to see all the different ways this project could turn out. My main element of design that I use is emphasis. I do that by adding an outer glow to Oni and by giving the bubble she is touching an outer glow too. And by Making Oni the center piece with the most vibrancy. I use balance and scale when giving the illusion that the bubbles are closer or farther away. This makes all of them come together as a whole. The bubbles also use pattern due to the fact that some of the bubbles are the same and are placed asymmetrically. I use contrast by making the forest monotone and giving Oni bright colors that make her pop. I also believe that I use rhythm because First you look at Oni, then you follow the bubbles up, as if they are floating up. Projects never feel finished to me but I know i spent a lot of time working on this. This was my experimental time with photoshop and there is so much more to learn.