El libro de Animales!
We made books in spanish of the alphabet with animal pictures. We did not do all the animals in the world.
We made books in spanish of the alphabet with animal pictures. We did not do all the animals in the world.
Mi cerdo es gordo, ruidoso y pesado. Mi cerdo es tonto, grueso y lento. Mi cerdo es claro dorado. Mi cerdo es grande y pelado. Mi cerdo se llama Feroz.
I think that we should make the front cover blank so you can customize it however you like. I don’t really care what the back cover is, I am open to ideas! I think that the very first page should be our schedule for the week so you can always check it. And I think that the very back page should be like a times table and other information things so if you need help with your homework you can go there. And finally the actual planner page, I would have to go with 10 because it is simple which is good, you can draw on it and it is not expensive. It is definitely the better choice!
England is my home. I feel like it is the best place in the world. Everything seems better there. The people there are like angels. You can walk alone without being afraid to be robbed, kidnapped or hit by a car. It’s so peaceful. It is a perfect place for a baby to grow up. You can feed the town cat. You will find bunnies and foxes all the time. The neighborhood my grandma lives in doesn’t have any tall glass buildings for miles. I have all my relatives there. I only get to see them once a year so it makes it so special when I do see them. It’s different than other people’s relatives because you might be able to go say “ Hey, I am going to my grandma’s this weekend. Want to come.” Well, my grandma is 3,000 miles away! My grandma’s house is giant compared to mine. It has 11 rooms including the attic. I can do whatever I want to do. I can run and jump, I can play hide and seek and I can have me time, alone. It’s nice to have a break on my New York life and just be peaceful in my English life
I was waiting for the first person to walk in. I hope it is Atticus. I have never seen him before. I hear the doorbell ring, I rush to it. It’s Susan with John! Soon everyone comes in. Seeing their faces filled me with joy, especially Atticus’s. Just to clarify I have a lot of relatives. I have a lot of aunts, uncles, grandmas, grandpas, cousins from 0 to 31, cousins once removed, cousins twice removed and distant relatives. I’ve got them all. I have many different relatives. My 25 year old cousin’s wife is Chinese. I have about 16 relatives in Australia and about 30 relatives in Argentina. Then I have about 17 in Maryland. And I have sooo much more relatives that are in England. Atticus lives in England for example.
I still have to wait for everyone to come in. Pamela and her kids haven’t even arrived yet. It takes along time for everyone to arrive. Around an hour, again I have a big family and not even half could make it. Finally the Bradley’s arrive. (If you have no idea what these names are, they are just groups of family). As soon as they arrived we left to go to the park. Since Atticus can’t walk my grandma had to carry him. The good thing is that the park is only a block away from Grandma’s house. I was leading the trail of family. As soon as we all got into the park I notice how many people were in the park. And they were all related to me! There are a lot of cute babies in my family. This year there is a new baby named Atticus.( That’s the baby I keep on talking about.) Atticus is the cutest baby ever. This year was the first time I had ever met him. I was on a picnic blanket outside when we were waiting for everyone to come and Charlotte (Atticus’s mom) walks over to me with Atticus in her arms. As soon as I saw his eyes make contact with mine I felt like the world stopped and it was just me and him smiling at each other. Perfect blue eyes just staring up at me. All I could think was how amazed I was that this adorable baby was related to me. Atticus has that baby laugh that just makes you laugh. Then Simon came (Atticus’s dad). Even though that moment was only like 1 minute it meant a lot to me. It was the first time I met Atticus. I meet new relatives every year, but this was different. I felt like the world stop in its tracks and it felt like it lasted for 30 minutes. I know when Atticus is older he will not remember that, but I will.
Last year there was two babies about to be born. Now these one of these babies are born. The one that is born is a younger brother to Jessie which is a two` year old baby and his parents are the 25 year cousin of mine with his wife. And the other baby is a little sister to Atticus.
When we were all at the house waiting for everyone to come I didn’t see everyone at once. I only saw the people in the back garden, like Atticus. I didn’t see the people in the living room, the bedrooms, the kitchen, The bathrooms or the airlock. I didn’t even get to say hi to all of them. Now we are all at the park and I can say hi to all of them. We started to take selfies to remember each other. I took a selfie with Atticus and his parents. We all hugged and it was awesome. Then we had to say goodbye. I didn’t want to say goodbye to Atticus and his family. If I lived there I would be soooo different. I would see Atticus when ever I wanted and I would probably babysit him. I would probably look different too. You might not even know it was me. The schools are the only thing that is worse there than here. The teachers hurt you, and the only way you learn is tests. You never do anything fun for school. No projects, no treats and definitely no special pens. Summer break is only five weeks long. I would definitely live there rather than here if I didn’t have to go to school. It would make me nicer if I lived there because I would be so much more free. I would be happy to live there. I started to think of the next time I will see them. About seeing the two new faces.(Atticus’s little sister and Jessie’s little brother.) I want to hug all of them again. I can wait till next time!
My number is a factor of 108
The digits in my numbers add up two 9
My number is less than 30
My number has two digits
“When you were in lower school, what was something that you were excited about for fifth grade? How do you feel about it now that you’ve done it?
Getting lockers. Cool.
What was something about fifth grade that you were a little nervous or worried about? How do you feel about it now?
The home work. It’s not that much and It’s not that hard.
What is something about which you are still a little nervous or worried? What might you do to feel a little less nervous or worried?
Getting presidential. Talk to Larry.
What is something that you haven’t done yet in middle school about which you are excited? What are you excited about it?”
Having drama. My mom teaches it.
This piece has taken a lot of time to make. I am very proud of it. Yet I still am working on it.