Discovery Day


The sports group had a lot of fun. Me personally, had an amazing time. I loved rock climbing and it was a lot easier

IMG_7680 (1)than I predicted. I loved jumping off the wall in my harness.tumblr_np4bdnTdLy1steslro1_1280

Before we even got started we had a test. We had to count all the “f'”s that we could find in a paragraph. I guessed 24 because that’s how many I counted. I found out later that it was 34. After that I still couldn’t find them. Then we tested team work by all standing on a piece of fabric and we had to turn it inside out without touching the ground and we all started on the fabric.tumblr_np48ayZ7c21steslro1_1280It was really hard, but we mastered it and turned it over. I think my favorite moment was the course because. It was a challenge that ended up being a lot of fun.IMG_7736tumblr_np479j3d7C1steslro1_1280I ended up finding out how to control my center of gravity on the trampolines over a lot of practice. I failed a lot, but I had a lot of fun.

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