Check up 2 was about identifying the similar shapes by finding the scale factor. Every similar shape has a scale factor. A scale factor is the number multiplied by one corresponding side to get the other corresponding side. If you multiply the original perimeter by the scale factor you will get the new perimeter. You can also find the scale factor by dividing the corresponding sides by each other. I did just that to find the scale factor, if there was one, in each shape.
This is an example of a good notebook page. I have all the right titles that really help explain what this page is about. I use a different color pen when correcting so it is clearer. I have visuals, but I also have sentences. Each topic is neatly spread apart. I show comparisons between the shapes. I take up the whole page. I think this a good page and I show try to make my other pages more like this one.
This is a example of a bad note taking page. This is a horrible note taking page because there are no notes on it. There are no sentences describing what’s going on or what it mean. I have also wasted this page with only three lines. The title is a page number so it isn’t very helpful. The check mark signifies nothing because I don’t know what I got right or how I did get it right. This page might as well not be in my notebook because it helps me in no way and means nothing to me.
Name: Meadow Humanities
7th Grade The Giver
Ignorance and Knowledge
Paragraph #1: Introductory Paragraph (GIT)
Grabber Statement (G): You might not realize that you take for granted all the beauty that you see in your daily life. Imagine a world where all of the beauty has been sucked away and no memory of it remains, this is the Giver by Lois Lowry.
Introduce Plot Summary (I): When Jonas get assigned his job for the rest of his life, he is quite surprised when he gets the position as the receiver of memory. He is overwhelmed with his new knowledge about the lost world. He must find a way to show the rest of the community the memories they’re missing out on.
Thesis Statement (T): This society is a dystopia because everyone is ignorant, except Jonas who is isolated and different because of his knowledge. Everyone is locked away from the world. They’re living a lie.
Paragraph #2: Thematic Analysis
Topic Sentence (T): Jonas’s community is kept ignorant to block out the painful thoughts but ignorance blocks out the beauty too.
Explanatory Sentence (E): The Elders don’t want the community to be hurt by the truth, so they stop everyone from knowing anything, including the most wonderful memories.
Evidence (E): For example, Elders do not allow the community to feel sunshine just because it can burn them. Jonas, however, experiences the memory of sunshine because he is the next Receiver. “…as he lay basking in the wonderful warmth…His skin began to sting,” (page 75). The fact that sunshine can come with pain meant, to the Elders, that you shouldn’t experience it at all.
Analysis (A): This shows that some of the best things in this world are being locked away from the community. The Elders try to keep their citizens safe, but safeness for them only means ignorance. The community should have a choice about their life and what they can feel and see. Safety means that you should have choice and knowledge of the world around you.
Concluding/ Transition (C): Jonas’s community should know the world’s past. They should be able to know what they are missing out on. As soon as Jonas gets his first bit of knowledge he wants to share it with everyone. He wants them to see the beauty they are missing out on.
Paragraph #3: Thematic Analysis Continued
Topic Sentence (T): When Jonas receives his first bit knowledge about the past, his world changes. Knowledge changes Jonas.
Explanatory Sentence (E): He gets feelings that tear him apart. The community will never experience all these wonderful things.
Evidence (E): On page 84, Jonas realises something big. “…he knew it was ordinary no longer, and would never be again.” Having this new sense of knowledge meant he was different. The Elders don’t allow difference, yet the job the Jonas gets selected for forces him to stand out.
Analysis (A): He knows that no one can have emotions like he has. No one one can understand him. He is all alone and surrounded by a sea of ignorance. The situation that Jonas is in can be looked at in multiple ways. He is the most knowledgeable person in the community. He has great honor and people look to him for advice. But he is alone and isolated. No one knows what he knows. He is different.
Concluding/ Transition (C): Jonas shouldn’t be the only one that knows about the past and the only one who has the wisdom to change the world. This knowledge should be shared with the community.
Paragraph #4: Concluding Paragraph (ROC)
Reflection on Thesis (R): This society is not a utopia because Jonas’s community is locked away from the beauty and history of the world. The community is ignorant and doesn’t understand that they are being controlled by the Elders.
Overview of Main Points (O): In Jonas’s community, ignorance and knowledge is almost like your ranking in the society. If you have knowledge you are honored, but to Jonas it is a burden.
Concluding Sentence– Comparisons and Connections (C): It is unfair that Jonas, a 12 year old boy, must suffer the knowledge and pain of memories. In our society and world, you are not kept from the horrors of the truth. If someone dies there is nothing protecting you from the sadness that comes with it. The difference between our society and Jonas’s is that we have each other for support. If your grandma passes away you all have people and relatives supporting you through these hard times. A utopia means that everyone has a choice in their life and are free from the lies that hold us back. Sadly Jonas doesn’t get that freedom.
I think that my group worked fairly well together. We all did our parts of the job. I think that Stella and I worked very hard on the project. We were collaborating through text and phone calls and it worked really well. I do think that we worked really hard on the writing aspect of it even when it was 10 o’clock at night. I do believe that we finished it in time and it wasn’t too short or too long. I definitely helped and did my part in this skit. Something that I would do next time is to practice more of the acting and speaking part and memorize my lines better. Over all I feel like my group did a great job.
The techniques that are shown in this value chart are hatching, cross hatching, stippling and random marks. They all are different ways in which you can show value. Hatching means you are making straight lines in one direction. Cross hatching means making straight lines in multiply directions. Stippling means making dots. Random marks means you make any random mark you want to shade it in. The more you do of any technique, the darker it gets. The softer the grafite the darker the marks. This can show value because you can see the light and dark and understand the shadowing. This helps when making a 3D shape.
Meadow’s Math Profile 9/10/16
I only really start to remember my experiences in math in second grade and at that moment I loved math. I remember when we learned long division and at first it was really difficult and I couldn’t understand it, but then a spark happened. I understood it. I could actual do it right and get the right answer. I loved it and I felt super smart. At that moment I realized that everything that is coming my way will be difficult and I will struggle, but I will push through and make it out. The outcome was so great that I wanted to do more. I wanted to feel smarter. I thought, “Oh this isn’t that hard, I can do this.” It’s hard, but I can handle it and that goes for everything I face in life like my mom having surgery or relatives that are sick. I will get through it.
I have always liked math. Math intrigues me and I am always excited to learn more. Math intellectually stimulates my brain. My favorite thing about learning math is probably the fact that you’ll keep finding way to do the same problem easier and easier. So although it might be hard to learn it, it will be worth it because it makes it easier in the long run. Another thing that I enjoy in math is the fact that you can use it anywhere in life. Math is all around you, you just have to look for it.
I don’t really dislike anything about learning math. What is a bit hard for me, which you may or may not have seen in my brother, is that I freeze up and get really worried if it is very challenging and I don’t feel like I have been given a sufficient amount of time to complete the problem. The clock definitely scares me, even though without knowing that there was a time limit I would probably finish it in time, but it still gets me worried.
I do consider myself as a good math student. I don’t want to sound vain, but I do feel like math comes a little easier to me than some people. I have a feeling that the math gene runs in the family. I can do better in one thing than I can in the other. Somethings I can quickly grab out to and others it takes a while.
I don’t really have a routine for homework. What I do is when I get home I either sit at my desk or sit at the table and get started. I do the quick/easy homework first because then I can get situated and then dive into how ever long it takes. If I get stuck and I have been trying for awhile or something doesn’t seem right I will ask for someone to look it over (maybe my brother) and see where I got stuck or went wrong.
If someone has finished their test early I start to get worried that I am failing and then I don’t do my work and then that gets me more worried… you can see where this is going. I get caught in a trap of my own worry. I do this with my brother too. He is really intelligent and I feel like I have to be as good as him or somehow I have failed. It is really hard to live up to someone like him. I think that covers most of it. I am really excited to have you as a math teacher. From what I have seen you are awesome and I look forward to being your student this year.