Phulan Point of View Writing

“My wedding’s… ruined!”P.162 What if Dadi’s dead? What if Hamir’s dead? Can I ever go back to my new house? Oh, please Allah, what have I done to deserve this? Guide my father back to me. Shabanu doesn’t even worry about it. I wish I was more like her. She is so brave and wild. I try to let go, but there is to many things in my way. I must be a proper lady and do as Mama and Auntie say. Ahh, what if my life is ruined? I could die, that is so scary.3ccf96d80f1176e2bb1f00e42b48b013

3 Comments on Phulan Point of View Writing

  1. 22marloh
    May 6, 2016 at 2:38 pm (9 years ago)

    If you want to calm down, think, “Everything will be okay.” Think about the good things in life and think about what good would happen to you if the wedding gets canceled. You can be free and you can be with Sharma and Fatima. You can live a life free of men and free of being treated like a dog. You can be as wild as me and you can have as much fun as me and you can let your “chadar fly behind you when you run.” Think about how much fun that will be. You and me running around with Sher Dil and Mithoo. Think how much fun that will be, sister.

  2. 22onit
    May 6, 2016 at 2:52 pm (9 years ago)

    I might not look like I was worrying but trust me I am not as composed as you think. I will always look up to you. You were always the perfect one. So composed. I just hope this tragedy won´t ruin you.

    • 22meadowm
      May 6, 2016 at 2:55 pm (9 years ago)

      That isn’t true! You are so strong I can barely lift a bowl!


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