November 2

Math Check Up 2






In class, we learned a few different notations; similar~, corresponding <->, and congruent (equal sign with a similar notation on top). Then we learned what these notations are used for. This check up was to test our knowledge on that. They apply to scale factor, mathematical simirality, and a few other things.


On the front, we were supposed to find the similar shapes among a lot of rectangles and triangles. I did this by measuring the sides of the shapes and comparing to others to see if they had a scale factor. If they didn’t have a scale factor, they aren’t similar.


On the back, it showed us a reectangle and a triangle. For both the triangle and rectangle we had to draw a figure that was similar and not congruent, and we also had to draw a figure that was not similar to the given shape. For all of these we had to write why.

Category: Boehm, Math | LEAVE A COMMENT
October 15

Math Profile

In fifth grade, I had a hard time during math, just like in lower school because I didn’t get what I was being taught. In sixth grade, I had a really good math year. I did well on my tests and just had a good year in general. I like learning math because it’s a useful and necessary part of life. I dislike math when it’s not making sense to me because it stresses me out. I consider myself a good math student because I put a lot of time and effort into solving problems. When I get stuck during homework I take a break and occupy my mind with something else and then come back with a fresh mind. I would like you to know that I have executive function and get extra time on tests/quizzeds. I have put a lot of effort into my last year and I have progressed a lot. I am proud of myself for my accomplishments.

October 15

Spanish Skit

Sam, Will, and I worked pretty well together. Although, Sam and I did most of the work. Will almost never did his part in the homework. The skit  didn’t come out as well as it could’ve because the skits always needed correcting and Sam and I had to do this because Will never took initiative. If we worked more efficiently the skits would have been done sooner. I didn’t have my notecard with my script because I hadn’t had time to do because I had to do all the correcting because Will and Sam never checked it for mistakes. If I had my notecard my performance would have been better and I wouldn’t have forgotten my line at the end.  As a group, the performance wasn’t the best because Will started laughing during it and then all of us were laughing for a lot of it. Otherwise, it worked well. There were a few ways we could’ve improved on and off the stage. 1, we could have not laughed. 2, we could’ve been more aware of the timing. 3, we could have done a better job with the Spanish. Overall, I think the skit was good.

October 14

Art Value Chart

In art, we are making a value chart. We have to use four techniques; shading, hatching, stippling, and then we get to use whatever shape we want. Also, we have to do one of each things in a different drawing pencil- they vary from light to dark. 2H, H, HB, 2B, 4B,  and 6B. In this picture, I am in the middle of shading in 4B.

May 6

Dadi Point of View Blog Post

How To Survive a Sandstorm by Yourself


DadiScreenshot 2016-05-06 at 10.50.37 AM


Hello, my name is Dalil Abassi. My family knows me by Dadi, though.  I am a Chalistani Nomad. I live with my wife, two daughters (one named Shabanu, and the other Phulan), my father (who is a Jindwadda Ali Abassi troop), my sister in law, and her two sons. It is a full house and I haven’t even mentioned the camels yet. We earn our money by breeding and selling our fine camels. We had to sell even our best recently to pay for my daughter’s dowry’s and weddings. Phulan is getting wed this summer, and Shabanu, the summer after that. We have recently experienced an extremely bad sandstorm and my father got lost in it. We eventually found him very ill, and barely alive.


Part 1: How to know when a sandstorm is coming.

If there isa sandstorm, you will see a big cloud of fog that looks like it’s been covered with dust. The atmosphere will be hazy and it will be hard to see.


Part 2: What to do if there is a sandstorm.


Step 1: Get everything to safety.

If you see a sandstorm coming and you are alone, you need to get everything that can’t get dirty inside your mud hut. If you don’t, valued stuff might get buried under mounds of dirt and sand. They will be hard to find, and if you need them, you will be in big trouble. That’s why I suggest doing it fast.


Step 2: Close everything off.

Get a big tarp that can cover your entrance and secure it so the sand and dust will not get in.


Step 3: Wait it out.

Even if you have a family member out in the storm, it would be best if you didn’t chase after them. If you do, your face and skin will be very dehydrated and will start cracking and you will have to heal it. Also, dust will fill your lungs and throat and you will not be able to breathe which will cause you to suffocate. Stay calm and the storm will be over soon enough.


Step 4: When the storm’s over.

When the storms over, don’t start to unpack right away. Put a piece of cloth over your head and one over your nose and mouth, and peek your head outside your hut. If the storm is clear within 15 miles, it is safe to go outside. Once it is approximately 30 miles away, you can unpack, but you have to be careful still.

May 1

Yanks Fans by, Marlo

In humanities yesterday, we learned about two different types of poems. First we learned about haiku’s. Haiku’s are three lined poems. On the first line there are five syllables. On the second, eight, and on the third, five. Haiku’s are usually about nature, but they don’t have to be. Then, we learned about cinquain poems. There are three formats for cinquain poems.

Cinquain Type 1:

Line 1: 1 word

Line 2: 2 words

Line 3: 3 words

Line 4: 4 words

Line 5: 1 word


Cinquain Type 2:

Line1: 1 noun

Line 2: 2 adjectives

Line 3: 3 -ing words

Line 4: 1 phrase

Line 5: Another word for the noun


Cinquain Type 3:

Line1: 2 syllables

Line2: 4 syllables

Line 3: 6 syllables

Line 4: 8 syllables

Line 5: 2 syllables


After leaning about cinquians and haikus, we  wrote our own poems. The one I wrote was a cinquain type 3.



Are you a Yank?

You Yanks fans are nasty

How can you stand it? Met’s for life


April 18

Structure Fits Function… Muscular System-Tendons

In Science, Konrad, Oni and I have been studying the muscular system. Part of the muscular system is tendons. We learned everything from Wikipedia and BioDigital.

There are many parts to the Muscular system but tendons are probably some of the most important parts. Tendons are like gum. It can move with the muscle and the bones. Tendons bind the muscle to a bone, just like a piece of gum can bind two things together. If you have ever heard of a muscle being torn or tearing basically what is happening is there are multiple tears (mostly smaller tears but sometimes the tears can be bigger) in the tendon. You will know when this happens because you will feel pains in the tendon along with the area becoming swollen and stiff. You will also not be able to move the area because the tendon helps the bone move, and if it’s not working, you can’t move the bone.