Category: Demster

My Favorite Project

My favorite project is my map project. I really liked the assignment for the map project. I liked how we got to incorporate places that were important to us. What I did for the assignment was I made a mobile and attached glass pieces with parts of the city that were important to me. It was a really great symbol of everywhere that was important to me. I overall loved doing this project.Margaret Map Project 1 (1)

My Map Project

For final map project, I decided to make a mobile out of my glass pieces. I used a little piece from the Margaret Map Project 1 (1)subway map on each of my glass pieces, and then used sharpie and wrote in the rest of the map. I had a lot of fun with this project. It was fun making the mobile, because I had never made one before.

Art Map Project

In art, we were asked to make art pieces, that included a city subway map. My idea is to cut out multiple glass panels, and in each one put a different part of the city. My next step is to make more glass panels, and put more parts of the city. Overall, I have really enjoyed this

Margaret Map Project 2project.

My Art Digital Portfolio Post

In Art we made geometric patterns. I enjoyed figuring out what pattern I would use and what colors I would use. I also found it cool to learn how to use an exact o knife. I also liked positioning the pieces. Here is my geometric shape drawing:

Margaret Geo 2

My 3rd Quarter Artist Statement

In art class, we made a bunch of different pieces of art. We made wire sculptures, observational drawings, portraits, geometric patterns and fabric collages. One piece of art that I was particularly proud of was my fabric collage. I am in the medicine guild, so my felt was related to medicine. It was of a table full of different potions. In guilds, I’m a wise women. I sell love potions and different little objects that do different deeds such as keeping evil away. In the fabric picture, my hands are reaching down to grab a jar of leeches.
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