Math Problem Solving
In math, we are studying decimals and percentages. Here are three problems that we did in class:
- Kate was reading a book. She read 40 pages of her book so far, which is 20% of the book. How many pages are in Kate’s book?
How I solved it: 20%=1/5. 4o times 5 = 200
2. Rachel was buying a bike. The bike cost $500.00 dollars. She only had 8 1/2% of that amount of money. How much money did she have?
How I solved it: 500 times .o85 = 42.5
3. Lily was getting her younger sister a Christmas present. When she was buying her present, she had 18 dollars. She saw a stuffed animal for $150 dollars. What percent of the money did she have?
How I solved it: 180÷150 = 12%