Category: Vocal Music

Winter Concert Reflection

Overall, I had a great time at the Winter Concert. All of the performances were amazing. I think one thing we did well as a group was the harmonizing. Most people knew all of their parts, and the harmony sounded great. There were some points where we didn’t come together, but we picked ourselves up and continued the song. I think our group work was amazing, and the harmonies we worked so hard on made each of the songs really amazing. I was most proud of the fact that I was able to sing the alto part and remember all of the notes. The alto part is hard because it’s in the middle, and I was proud that I was able to memorize the alto part. One challenge I faced during the concert was the lyrics to Kalanta New Year. In order to memorize the lyrics, I had to take home to music and study it, and it payed off in the end. Overall, I believe our performance was amazing, and the Spring Concert will hopefully be even better!

My Vocal Goals This Week

I have been having an amazing time in vocal majors. One focus I have for this week is to learn my part better. Since there are so many parts to every song, I always get sort of confused about which part is mine. I have been doing a better job in knowing my part, I just want to work on it even more.


Vocal Majors First Impressions

I really like vocal majors so far. I have learned a lot about my voice. For one, I have learned that I can sing a lot higher than I thought I could. When I was so used to singing pop songs, whenever I would try to sing a high note, I wouldn’t be able to because I was so used to singing pop. I also learned what I sound like when I’m not singing pop music. Usually, when I’m singing on my own time, I sing pop songs that I really like. When you’re singing other types of music, it’s different. Now, I know what I sound like when I’m singing different types of music. Singing different types of music where you need to sing a lot of different high notes has taught me that when I sing high notes, my voice becomes very quiet and soft. I never would have learned that if it wern’t for singing in vocal majors.