Imagine The Future
“When you were in lower school, what was something that you were excited about for fifth grade? How do you feel about it now that you’ve done it? What was something about fifth grade that you were a little nervous or worried about? How do you feel about it now? What is something about which you are still a little nervous or worried? What might you do to feel a little less nervous or worried? What is something that you haven’t done yet in middle school about which you are excited? What are you excited about it?”
In lower school, I was very exited about getting the chance to be more mature and to get a little bit more freedom. Once I did it, it was not as exiting as I thought it would be, but it was still very exiting. Last year, I was a little bit nervous about the class rep election because I thought that it would be really scary and a really big deal. When I finally did it, it was not nearly as scary as I thought it would be. I am a little bit worried about math seminar because I really want to do it and I really hope I get in. I will try to not think about it as much, so that I don’t get as worried about it. I am really exited to start studying Egypt because I am really interested in pyramids, and mummies and that kind of thing. I am particularly exited about when we get a chance to share what we learned to the whole lower school.