Art Value Chart
In art, we just learned about the value chart. The value chart is where you make different pencil marks, and then use different shade pencils. You show the different shades, and you also show the different values. One value is hatching. Hatching is where you make a bunch of lines facing the same direction. It helps create a good texture. Then, there’s cross hatching. It’s basically the same as hatching, but instead you are doing the hatching in two different directions. Then, there is stipple. Stipple is a bunch of dots (we drew them with sharpie) and you draw a bunch of them, until you’ve filled in the page. The dots can be however far apart. Last, there’s random marks. Random marks is one mark that you make on the page continuously, in order to fill in the page. All of these create a good texture in the drawing. Here’s mine: