Margaret’s Shabanu Blog Post
New Child
I am very exited, for I am going to give birth to a child in a month and a bit. I have been preying for a boy every day. I can’t even begin to explain how I would feel if it wasn’t another boy. If I had a boy, they would be able to herd animals and do farm work. I don’t even know how my sister deals with the fact that she had daughters. And TWO! I just don’t understand why Allah hates her so much. Allah has blessed me with two sons, who will be married to beautiful women. Oh how excited I am. I really hope that my boys will get along with my future child, and if it is a boy, hopefully my children will teach him to do work.
If it is a daughter, I will know that I did something wrong. I have tried to be on my best behavior so that Allah will bless me with boys. I have been restraining my self from saying rude comments to my sister and my nieces,but it’s SOOO hard! Oh how exited I am to give birth to a boy, and then I can stop being on my best behavior.
Sahbanu- That’s not very nice Auntie Mama loves very much. But I hope you have sons that are good. “If God had blessed you with sons, we wouldn’t have to break our fingers over wedding dresses,” says Auntie.
If my future son is anything like my sons now, I will have been blessed by Allah!!
Auntie, even if you do get a girl it’s not going to be the end of the world. Mama and Dadi loves us even though we are girls. “Mama and Dadi are happy,” Shabanu said. You already have two boys, it would be lucky to have another one but at least you have one.
Of course I will have a boy! I have been on my best behavior so Allah will bless me with a girl!
Daughters are just as good as boys. Remember that I saved a baby camel? I bet your sons couldn’t do that! “You did well to save the baby” said Dadi on page 19.
Shabanu, my sons definitely could save a baby camel!