Tai Chi Performance!

Here is a picture of us doing Tai Chi!


Here’s a picture of some cute paper monkeys they were giving out!


There were a LOT of acts, and they were all great! I spent time before the show going to different activities ( I’m still sad I missed the ping-pong) and hanging out with my friends, both middle school and high school!

Style Composition

Here is my blendspace lesson.                                                                                          Here is my composition in noteflight so far.

I chose swing because I really like it, and I didn’t know much about it. I always thought it was cool, and I always wanted to know about it. When I was researching, I learned so much! I didn’t want to be doing that, but once I started learning, I didn’t want to stop. Three things I learned are: 1. Swing music normally has a strong rhythm section of bass and drums. 2. It usually has winds like the sax playing the melody. 3. It often has people improvising. I started over a lot when I was composing, but finally I got what I have now.

Science food graphs

At the beginning of this, here is what 6A ate.


Here is what 6A ate after.

Our vegetables went up, fruit went down, dairy went up, protein went up, and grain went down. None of these changed by much, but change is change. For a ‘perfect’ plate, you need about 15% grain, 10% dairy, 10% protein, 30% vegetables, and 35% fruit. That was an estimation, but it is something like that.

Who The Heck Are You Process

In humanities, we have been working on a project called Who The Heck Are You. We have 5 steps in the process, and here’s how they went.

Step 1: The Letter

We picked someone we wanted to interview, and wrote a letter to them. This letter contained a formal invitation to interview the person, times when you could meet with your interviewee, your contact information, and a request for what times they would be available. We delivered our letters and waited to hear back. When our possible interviewees responded, we would begin the next step

Step 2: The Questions

We decided on 10 minimum questions that we would ask the person. We also made final arrangements about when we would meet for the big interview. When the time came, we moved on.

Step 3: The Interview

We met with our interviewees at some point, and asked them a series of questions. We wrote down the answers, and recorded the whole thing. I chose to interview my friend Armant because for a while it seemed like he was more than he looks, and I also knew proetty much nothing about him. Here are the questions I asked. Where are you from? Who’s in your family (parents, siblings, cousins)? Academic things you enjoy ( during IWP, reading, writing etc)? Places you want to go? Things you want to do before you’re too old? Favorite pastimes (weekends)? Favorite games (with family/friends)? Favorite movies (with family/friends)? Favorite foods? What do you want to be? Why do you want to be ___? The whole thing went pretty well, though we got interrupted with 4 questions to go. But we did that over email and managed to finish before the deadline. 

Step 4: The Step 2 Document

We listened to our interview a lot, and wrote down the most interesting bits. We started planning what we would write.

Step 5: The Final Paper

We did a lot of work on these, and it took all of these steps to get here. We spent a lot of time writing, but just as much time editing and peer editing. Click here for my final paper.

Art and Artisans Guild!!!

On Wednesday during Big Time, we had our first guild meeting! I am in the Art & Artisans Guild, and we did some very fun things. We learned a bit about carving faces into the corners of blocks of Balsa Foam! It was very cool and fun, but my carving was really bad. We then broke out the flowers that Guild Master Jeremiah brought for us to draw. We sketched them once or twice with charcoal, and then showed our drawings. All of them were pretty good, but not quite as good as Jeremiah’s. We also found out that we are going to the Cloisters at 10:00 on Wednesday. I am excited because I will have only two classes since the afternoon is going to be Big Time, and that is when we gather with our guilds.

3rd Quarter

Before Winter Break, my goal was to be positive, and I think that I did all right. We did a lot of classwork in groups, so I had plenty of time to practice. I think the thing I need to work on is group work. I shouldn’t participate too much, or too little. I can’t not take part, and I can’t take over the group. Studying Islam helped because I was learning about a peaceful, and equal culture. I think I was also sort of learning to become a peaceful person, who tries to keep things equal. Leaning about the plague was less helpful than learning about Islam, but it was interesting. Even though it was disgusting, I still learned a lot about sickness back then, and also a little bit about disease now. It was all cool and educational. While it was not always my favorite thing to hear about, it was still interesting.

Percent/Decimal Math Demo

Problem 26                                                                   

40=20 X ____

40/20= 200

40 kids are in the band. This is 20 % of the school. How many kids go to that school?


Problem 27

8.5 X $500=___

8.5 X 500= 4250

500 teachers from different school have assembled. 8.5% of them are from LREI. How many have come from LREI?


Problem 28

18=__% X 150


18.00/150= .12


150 people went to the party. 18 % of them are 20 or younger. How many are 20 or younger?




In PE, we are doing THE 6TH GRADE OLYMPICS!!!!! It is very competitive. There are four teams, and each team has ten or eleven players. The teams are as follows. In the lead is Blue, next is Black, then Red, and finally White. I am on the Red team. Every team has two captains. One boy, one girl. The Red’s are Grace and Miles. We have a lot of fun with Olympics. Tomorrow we do the boys vs boys and girls vs girls TUG OF WAR! Go Red!

Wire sculptures

In art we are making wire sculptures. We took a video of ourselves doing a motion, then got images that we are basing 5 sculptures off of. I have made all 5, now I have to make them do what I did in the video. Here are my pictures.





Our Glucose Recipe


In science we are working on systems thinking. In this quarter, we are doing a unit on plants. We spent a few classes making a recipe for glucose, and here it is.


6 Carbon Dioxide

6 Hydrogen

6 Oxygen

6 Oxygen waste.