Category Archives: Demster

My Map Art!

Here’s a picture of my current map art project!








What I’m doing is I’m making a foam board Empire State Building and I’m going to glue a map over it so it symbolizes NYC. The inside is going to have fabric wall paper and a bed. I’m going to decorate it like my room, and I will put a sign in the front that says my address so the whole thing symbolizes NYC, and the fact that it’s my home. My next step is to cut the map up and glue it on to the foam board frame. Then I will decorate. Then I will put up the sign, and if I have and map left, I’ll mount it on a piece of foam board with the left over map glued to it and I’ll put the sign on that.

My Fabric Collage!

Mabel FabricI made this in art class. We are going to put it on the art guild banner for the pageant!

My geometric pattern!

It was fun to make, but it was hard to get it all glued down. Mabel S Geometric Patter

Art and Artisans Guild!!!

On Wednesday during Big Time, we had our first guild meeting! I am in the Art & Artisans Guild, and we did some very fun things. We learned a bit about carving faces into the corners of blocks of Balsa Foam! It was very cool and fun, but my carving was really bad. We then broke out the flowers that Guild Master Jeremiah brought for us to draw. We sketched them once or twice with charcoal, and then showed our drawings. All of them were pretty good, but not quite as good as Jeremiah’s. We also found out that we are going to the Cloisters at 10:00 on Wednesday. I am excited because I will have only two classes since the afternoon is going to be Big Time, and that is when we gather with our guilds.

Wire sculptures

In art we are making wire sculptures. We took a video of ourselves doing a motion, then got images that we are basing 5 sculptures off of. I have made all 5, now I have to make them do what I did in the video. Here are my pictures.