Category Archives: Brandstetter
My Hero essay
This is the hero essay I wrote.
Mabel’s Hero Essay
By Mabel
A hero is someone who is kind, brave, intelligent, selfless, and inspiring. A true hero can make you try to be a better person. Heroes can be ancient like Ulysses, who fought at Troy, or modern, like Malala, who fought for female education in Afghanistan. Ulysses displayed stereotypical hero traits, while Malala was driven by determination to succeed, and displayed compassion, kindness, and an excellent sense of what is right, and what is wrong. Ulysses may have been brave, but Malala sacrificed herself so that women and girls in Afghanistan could have education.
While Ulysses did some heroic things, but in the end, they weren’t quite enough for him to qualify as a hero. Ulysses did things so bad that they overrode his good deeds, and he lacked some vital heroic qualities, such as compassion and kindness. Ulysses showed excessive pride when he blinded Polyphemus, and he said, “If anyone asks, it it not nobody, but Ulysses who has done this to you,” on page 26 in the Ulysses book. Ulysses was brave and clever, but he was not very kind. Therefore, he should not be remembered as a hero.
A good example of a hero would be someone like Malala. Someone who would risk themselves for others. She was brave, determined, and kind, and she almost sacrificed her life so girls could go to school in Afghanistan. She put herself in mortal peril for the benefit of others. I personally think that a person like Malala should definitely be a hero, because they would put their whole lives on hold so that others could have better lives, even if it meant risking their own life for a very small change.
Think about a world where people like Malala who stood up for education, and Pushpa Basnet who made a home and school for children in jail, were not there to help! The world would be a miserable fail. Heroes are supposed to change and help the world, and with no one changing and helping, the world would be a huge ball of misery! The world might even slide back into slavery and extreme racism! We wouldn’t want this for the world. A world as bad as 9/11. With death possibly just around the corner! I’d get to the other side of the world if that was the only way to escape a horrible earth. Without heros, this is what the earth would come to. We need people like Malala and Pushpa Basnet. We need people who can be brave, strong, kind, courageous, valiant, and most of all, someone who would risk their own lives to save our earth. We need to step up, and be those people!
This is the book we read first.
History Index Cards
In the picture below, the students are asked to put index cards into chronological order. To describe this, I would say that it was not super difficult, but it was not easy. There was much debating. That was about where what went. This was overall rather fun, and helps us understand a little more. When my group was doing it, we did not have many problems. Mostly talking it all out. We had a few minor mess ups, but we did pretty well. Though sometimes, we had to show our teammates why their idea made no sense. For example, we thought coal came after the Permian Extinction. We also thought that bony fish came after land animals. Silly us! But when we did correct each other, we did i nicely, of course. From doing this, I learned the order of events a little better. There was almost no supervision. We had to do it ourselves. I must say, we did pretty well. Everyone did.