This is my Giver essay. I am proud of it because I think I made a good argument. I think I did pretty well, and I like how it turned out. I think I really got my point across.


Here is my 10th note card about colonial gender roles. I’m proud of this because I got a lot in here. I think I had some good questions and inferences, and I think I did a better analysis than I usually have.


Here is my 2nd chapter writing from M13C. I am proud of this because I think I described the things well. I also think I wrote this well and had a good analysis. I am also proud of this because I got a fairly good grade.

In Humanities, I have been trying to extend my analysis. I think it’s working. Humanities has been really fun!


About Mabel Stafford

My name is Mabel and I am a member of the human trafficking group. Human trafficking is when someone is forced into some type of labor in order for the trafficker to gain a valued item. Our aim is to stop human trafficking and help survivors recover.

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