
Here are 5 different poems:

I’m Sorry (not)

I am very sorry for swiping your hat

I’m sorry for breaking your baseball bat,

It was fun though,

But now that you know,

Would you give me back my cat?


Personifying Wind Limerick

Wind, wind, blowing down some trees,

Or maybe just a gentle breeze,

You’re sometimes in a hurry,

Maybe bringing a snow flurry,

But you’ll never start to wheeze




So bored

And there’s nothing

That I want to



Never Judge A Costume Based On What Style Of Dance You Are Taking

When I saw it I was confused

I thought I’d been taking hip-hop

I’m still a bit bemused

Because my costume is over the top.

I thought I’d be looking cool,

Instead I look like a fool,

Now in my plaid

I’m rather sad.

It wasn’t what I expected, you know,

‘Cuz I look like a Scottish Gangster, Yo!


This is why you should study

Geography quiz,

I am not ready and where’s



Here are the poems I’m reading at the potluck


Why do people die,

And why do humans exist?

Heck, who cares,  just live.


Vizzini’s Haiku

I’m writing poems,

And making any sense is



About Mabel Stafford

My name is Mabel and I am a member of the human trafficking group. Human trafficking is when someone is forced into some type of labor in order for the trafficker to gain a valued item. Our aim is to stop human trafficking and help survivors recover.

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