Monthly Archives: May 2016


Here’s a picture!

Mabel Map Project 3











This is my finished map art project. We are supposed to make artist statements for our projects, so here’s mine:

I would like to name this work of art Inside the Empire State Building. I created it by making a foam board building and glueing a cut up map to it. I made a bed and carpet with fabric and foam board, and I made books out of paper. Something I learned while creating it is that foam board is kind of hard to cut. My favorite part is the bed and the carpet, because they were hard to make, but I felt quite satisfied with them when I finished. If I could change something, I would paint the walls because it would look more like my room. When making this, I was surprised to learn that foam board is so hard to manage. Something else I’d like to add is that the inside of the Empire State Building is supposed to be my room, just so you know.



Mandarin Pen Pal Letter!!!!!

Here’s a picture of my letter!!!







Here’s what my letter said:


我叫世佩珊,我今年十一岁。我上六年级。我是女生。我的生日是​​八月二十五日。我是美国人,德国人,意大利人,爱尔兰人,苏格兰人,和荷兰人。我的家有四个人。我家有我的妈妈,爸爸,哥哥,和我。我的妈妈叫Cassie,我的爸爸叫Ted,和我的哥哥叫Zeb。 我的哥哥今年十五岁。我的哥哥上九年级。我会说英文和一点儿中文。

我在Dave的班。我的班有二十一个学生。我最喜欢的课是P.E。我也不喜欢做作业。我不喜欢打网球和打棒球。我喜欢运动是游泳,打篮球,打乒乓球,踢足球,和 打板球。我最喜欢的运动是乒乓球。我有两只猫。我的猫叫Robespierre和Gillie。我的朋友是Emily, Kate, Ruby, Colette和Margaret. Emily, Kate, Colette, 和 Ruby是我的同学。Margaret是我的同伴。我的最喜欢宠物是熊猫,猫和兔子。我最欢吃薯条。 我也喜欢吃美国菜。




The 8th graders wrote letters to us asking us questions, and we wrote responses.


We have been working on a project called Shabanews! We were tasked making a video and a piece of writing. Without further ado, here’s our writing and video. Sorry I can’t get the pictures in here.

Breaking News in the world of fashion! We are here to talk about the new trends Pakistani clothes! We will interview Phulan and her parents Mr. Abassi and Mrs. Abassi. Then, we will interview their other daughter about her ideas about her husband’s to-be clothes. There was so much drama! Someone cries, and the idea of culture keeps being brought up! What is that about? Get all of it here first at the Fashion Police. The video below is worth watching. We can give you the latest updates, and show you all the new trends! Fashion Police brings you everything you need. This Pakistani clothing can be sold to you at the store on Bleeker or online. It’s the new trend! We are the Fashion Police. Brought to you by Glukinshbeel Cereal.

Look below for pictures of the clothes!

This is a Shalwar Kameez

This is a Jinnah Cap

This is a Chadr.


Here’s the video!

This project was really interesting. I think it was difficult, but it was fun, and I really liked it. We didn’t have very  long, but we had enough time to put together this. Hope you like it!

My Map Art!

Here’s a picture of my current map art project!








What I’m doing is I’m making a foam board Empire State Building and I’m going to glue a map over it so it symbolizes NYC. The inside is going to have fabric wall paper and a bed. I’m going to decorate it like my room, and I will put a sign in the front that says my address so the whole thing symbolizes NYC, and the fact that it’s my home. My next step is to cut the map up and glue it on to the foam board frame. Then I will decorate. Then I will put up the sign, and if I have and map left, I’ll mount it on a piece of foam board with the left over map glued to it and I’ll put the sign on that.

My character blog post #2

“She can’t stand for me to be comfortable” Page 87

Another day has passed, and Auntie is still being mean. It’s getting ridiculous! Auntie has always been nasty, but it’s gotten worse. Ever since Phulan got engaged, she’s been just rotten. Well, no more. Maybe I could run away… no. I’ll just have to let her know what I think. Except then she would be very angry, so maybe that’s not a good idea. This is a very confusing matter. Well, Mama is calling me to make chapatis for dinner, I’d better go.

– ShabanuIMG_20160506_131601


Mabel’s Shabanu Post #1

“God, my life was perfect, and you struck him down!” Page 170.

Dear Diary,

I never knew how cruel life could be. I was so happy. So very happy. I had my family, my camels, my dowry, and I was engaged to a man with land and money who would be a good husband. Then, not to long before I was to be married, it all came crashing down. My future husband was… I’m sorry. I have trouble talking about it. It was terrible. I can recall it like it was only yesterday. Hamir was slain, but Shabanu, Mama and I escaped, and we have found a place to stay.


