Ashokan Thesis Statements
October 26, 2015
The best part of the Ashokan trip was blacksmithing because #1: It was cool that we got to work the bellows, #2: We learned a lot about the art of metal working, #3: It was so fun that there are no pictures of me except when I was working at the forge, because I was SO happy and bouncy. All in all, it was TOTALLY worth missing free period ( also called open rec). Look how happy Jen is.
The worst part of the Ashokan trip was the canoeing because #1: My team hit every rock in the lake five times, #2: My friend totally deserted my team, and you can imagine that did not feel good,#3: It was SO insanely bad, that there are NO pictures of canoeing at all! Really! Just an empty, sad lake. Like this one.