Liam’s map art

Liam Map Project 4Liam Map Project 2In Finished                                                              In progress

For this project Jeremiah gave us a map and told us to show it in away that was personal to our experiences of New Your. Giving us such wide boundaries was harder for me and even up to this morning I was still thinking up ideas. Unfortunately I do not have a picture of the finished project but I am really happy of how it turned out and I think it went in a much better direction just from these last 3 classes. I was having trouble with the look of it and the dimensions of the different cut outs, but once I paper mashed the map on the whole house really came together.


Meal description(French)


Il y a pour le petit déjeuner. Je mange des œufs, et des baies. Je ne mange pas l’avocat, et le tomates. Le baie est bleu. Des œufs a chaud de chaud sauce. L’avocat a salé. Le tomates a rouge.


Il ya pour le snack. Je mange des jolly ranchers. Des Jolly Ranchers a bleu, rough, vert, et violet.


Il y a pour le diner. Je mange de saumon, et des asperges. Je ne mange pas des riz, et citron. Le saumon est rose. Des asperges est long. Des riz est blanc. Le citron est acide.


Il y a pour le dejeuner. Je mange moitié de sandwich. Je ne mange pas moitié de sandwich. Le sandwich est bonne.


Je prefere le snack car le snack est doux.



This projects theme was french food vocabulary. I started off by just taking pictures of my food and seeing what I could write. I started writing in english and then I translated in into  french. This project was set on this structure: for _____ I ate _______. I did not like____. I liked_____. I did not eat the______. I really actually liked this project and I would love to do something like it again. It was interesting because if I was in France I could easily use this vocabulary in daily life.


Shabanu video and artical

When doing this project the biggest challenge was filming. When we did the artical we talked first about what ideas we had in mind, then we started writing our different parts. We started to split up during the artical but at the end we edited the different parts that we wrote. After the artical we set up my green screen and started filming. A lot of the things we put in where improvised and we had so many bloopers it was insane. After filming I edited it and then we all looked over it. I think that this project was really fun and I would love to do something like this again.


Here is the artical:                                                                   Here is the video: Attachments area

A Day In The Desert


Jemma, Liam, and Ben


The people of the Cholistan desert(above) riding on camels to reach other tobas(oasis’) with their caravans.


Have you ever imagined what life might be like if you were a Muslim living in the desert? We have Interviewed the Abassi family and the Rich landlords of the desert to give you a representation of life and status in the Cholistan desert.  The Cholistan Desert is 26,300 square kilometers and spans from Pakistan into India. Many nomadic families like these live in the Cholistan and move when they run out of water. The Abbasi family makes their money from selling camels, Every year they go to the Sibi fair in Sibi and sell them. Recently drama has been arising in the Abassi family and the soon to be groom of the eldest daughter, Phulan’s groom was killed. The family has seamlessly bounced back and in only 2 weeks after his death has found Phulan another husband.  When speaking to the youngest daughter, Shabanu she said, “I do not want this, they can’t do this to me, my true husband his Murad.” We soon found out that Murad is the man that Phulan will Marry but used to be the man that Shabanu would marry. Shabanu has recently been set up with a much older man of the name rahim sahime. He is the landlord’s brother and when we talked to him he claimed that even though he had 3 wives he felt that when Shabanu and him where alone  they were the only people on the earth.” I love her, and need her as my wife.”

We interviewed Murad as well and he told us how it was hard to adjust to a new wife but once he saw Phulan’s beauty he knew that he would love her forever.

Are last interviewer was Phulan she said

“It was hard when Hamir died but I knew that my mother and father would do something about it. Once I found out that Murad would be my husband I was overjoyed.”

All of this drama started in The Abassi family’s little hut in the cholistan desert. The Abassi family owns 30 adult camels and 15 baby camels. This family is just like the thousands that live deep in the Cholistan desert.

Map art

This project was interesting because it was very hands on. I missed the first class so I had to jump in. I think my project is a little messy and I felt inspired after we all critiqued and I wish we had been able to work. I really like this progect and I just hope I have enogh time to finish it in time. Next I will paper mache the whole house.

A women in Pakistan

IMG_20160506_105607Muslim-Women-Wearing-Controversial-Niqab-UK-VksoU30f3sglHello Phulan, Shabanu, and Sharma. I am writing this blog to tell you how to be a proper women in Pakistan. Me and Sharma have lived with this our entire life and gone our diffrent paths but I would like to tell you a little bit of my life before this and also what I pradict will happen for you two girls. When I was a little younger than Shabanu I had dreams. Living in Multan I lived in a harsh society. Unlike Shabanu I was not aloud to go outside without my Burqua and In my home I had to always wear my Hijab.  My father was much more strict than your daddy. He had the worst temper and If my mother did not due her daily cleaning he would beat her. My mother was so shy and hardly ever talked. I wanted bigger better things than both of there lives and I wanted to move to Iran. My father was furious when I told him and quickly arranged a marriage with me and your father. Dadies father and my father both worked at the same market. Your father bought me and we moved to the Cholistan desert. I was happy for a long time but when I was about 18 I felt unfulfilled. I told your dadi that I wanted to move to Iran with him and he agreed with a lot of begging. We packed are things and we almost left. Then I realized what would happen if I moved to Iran. My life would be even harder. Men would be more dreadful and things would be much more expensive. We decided to stay in Cholistan. I had Phulan and then Shabanu. I made this to show you that dreams are important for your mind but if you let them get the best of you your life will be miserable. I hope and dream that you will live a good life with the landlord Shabanu, and Phulan with Murad. I know that both of you are very smart girls but I thought it be necessary to tell you of my life.

How to get over your husbands father dying

IMG_20160506_105607Screen Shot 2016-05-03 at 8.32.21 PMWhen a family member dyes it is hard, but whats even harder is when your father in law dies. You don’t just deal with your own pain you deal with your husbands as well. Jindwadda Ali Abassi was a strong soul. When he walked into the room the dynamic changed. He took over and him leaving our world is so hard. I want the best experience for every body after me and so I am writing this blog. The first step most people would say in grieving is denial. That might be true for my husband but not for me. I realized soon after Jindwadda’s death that denial was the worst thing I could have done. I had to help my husband grieve. Step one never tell your husband to, not worry. This is just about the worst thing you can say and it they will transfer your husband out of denial and into the second phase, anger! Oh, take my word for it they will get so angry at you if you tell them to stop worrying. second step, how to deal with anger. When your loved one gets angry the normal reaction is to bolt. DO NOT BOLT. Stay with him/her until you have ridden out the second stage. third stage, bargaining. The only word that should come out of your mouth during this stage is no. Your loved one will spew out phrases such as, “if only we had gave him more water,” or, “if I hadn’t made him angry.” Always disagree with them saying,”no he was meant to go this way.” This will easily slide into depression which is the fifth stage. Step four, When your loved one is depressed you just have to softly pat there back. This will make them sleepy and they will forget. But once they wake up from there nap comes acceptance. The hardest, but last stage. Acceptance is the longest step spanning from a few months to the rest of your loved ones life. All you can do here is let them grieve. These are my 5 stages of how to get over your husbands father dying. I hope they help.


The painters son(Liam’s Poem)

      The Painter’s Son

His soft fluid motion

drawing me in, with his paradoxical movements.

This surreal moment will stay with me

for an eternity.

My heavy head

struggling to move with


Nimble hands,

and his impeccable form wrapping me in. His soul is captured in this,

only this.

I can hear his heavy breath, rapidly increasing.

His head swiftly turning,

breaking me out of this hazy trance.

My gaze turns to a pot on the sun lit windowsill. I don’t look back,

petrified that I will fall back in.



I actually wrote a few poems before this one, just trying to find my barrings. At first I was using crazy language and not even writing full sentences. I felt like I was starting over. I didn’t know if I was even aloud to write about something that wasn’t a natural disaster. I ended up looking at some poems which gave me inspiration to write this one. I wrote about painting because it can sometimes be very discrete even when the painting is write in front of you. Painting are like that, but for some reason they make perfect sense. I thought that if I wrote this poem about a painting I could do the same thing. I hope that when reading this poem people will interpreter the painting in so many different ways. I think that that is what poetry is about, all different kinds of interpretations.

Structure Fits Function!!!

image001You might think that bones are glued or sewn together but in reality bones are held together by magical holders called joints. Right now take a look at your shoulder or your finger or you elbow.  These are some parts of the body that help you out a lot, but you don’t really know how they work, so we’re going to explain it. One thing that all these parts of your body have in common is that they are mostly just a joint. These joints are all different from each other. There are actually five main types of joints. The ball and socket, Condyloid joint, Saddle joint, hinge joint, pivot joint. The ball and socket joint is made to almost move on a 360 degree angle. There are a lot of ligaments because of how much movement it can do but since there are so many ligaments a lot of things can go on. The ball and socket joint structure is good because when protecting or blocking yourself human instincts are to cover yourself with your arms using your ball and socket joint. You have to move your arms in many directions so the ball and socket joint is very useful.A good example of the condolid is the wrist bone. The condyloid is what gives the wrist bone flexibility to move in different ways. But it doesn’t get all of the flexibility that the ball and socket gets. Saddle joint, You can find this joint in your thumb. The thumb sits on a kind of bone that sits on another bone. The saddle joint is also what gives your thumb to move in different ways, like how you can touch all your fingers on your hand with only your thumb. Hinge joint, You will find this joint in your fingers. This joint only moves one way. It is just like door. It only moves forward. Our human body has adapted to picking up things so now our hands only need to one way, but who know what we would be capable of if we could move our joints backward. Where would your nails be. Our life would be very different if our fingers were more like the ball and socket joint. The animals before were digging so this joint was an advantage. It would make your joints stronger.he pivot joint you find in your elbow and     


Structure Fits Function

                Structure fits function

5 types of joint: Condyloid, Saddle joint, hinge joint, ball and socket, hinge joint, pivot joint.


The joint are the connecting points between the muscles and the bones. There are 5 different types of general joints. The ball and socket joint is made to almost move on a 360 degree angle. There are a lot of ligaments because of how much movement it can do but since there are so many ligaments a lot of things can go on. The ball and socket joint structure is good because when protecting or blocking yourself human instincts are to cover yourself with your arms using your ball and socket joint. You have to move your arms in many directions so the ball and socket joint is very useful.


Hinge joint:


You will find this joint in your fingers. This joint only moves one way. It is just like door.It only moves forward. Our human body has adapted to picking up things so now our hands only need to one way, but who know what we would be capable of if we could move our joints backward. Where would your nails be. Our life would be very different if our fingers were more like the ball and socket joint. The animals before were digging so this joint was an advantage. It would make your joints stronger.


Condyloid: A good example of the condolid is the wrist bone. The condyloid is what gives the wrist bone flexibility to move in different ways. But it doesn’t get all of the flexibility that the ball and socket gets.


Saddle joint: You can find this joint in your thumb. The thumb sits on a kind of bone that sits on another bone. The saddle joint is also what gives your thumb to move in different ways, like how you can touch all your fingers on your hand with only your thumb.


Pivot joint: The pivot joint you find in your elbow and that makes you rotate your elbow in different ways.

Liams creative writing

I wanted to write about my intramural creative writing piece because I went in a different direction for the piece. It was pretty different from my normal fantasy with a lot of emphasis on detail. For this piece I used a normal amount of detail and followed almost everything on the requirements. I am really happy with the piece and I also think its kind of funny.



Outline: I am worried about trying out, then I go and see how low key it is. I get on a team and start to have a great time, then are team wins every game and the tension builds up for the final game. We lose and it is a sad time, but I quickly get back on my feet by thinking of how well me and my team played.


My story Arch: introduction: Life is fine, but I still have a worried feeling about basketball. Rising action: I try out for a team, get on a team, and win every game until the last where the tension is the highest. Climax: It is over time in the last game and even one basket could give us the championship.Falling action: We lose the game and we are upset. Conclusion.: I realise that I played well and got rid of my fear and I should be happy.


Lauren Oliver structure: Liam must get on the 2,4 squad, before all the spots are filled by the good players, or else he will be in front of the whole school, playing on the 1,3 squad.  


Running, running, passing, shooting, yelling, breathing, breathing very fast. Sometimes in a basketball game, all this action can happen in 5 seconds. All the more reason for me to be terrified of intramurals. For months ahead of intramurals I was told about the dreaded 1,3 squad, and 2,4 squad. Oh, how I wanted to be on the 2,4 squad, Oh, how I did. But I knew that I would have to work for it. I went to the park, shooting, dribbling, and running, in preparation for the one moment. The Monday morning of tryouts. Technically there is no point in tryouts, since everybody is allowed to participate in the games, but still, the terrifying tryouts. I passed, and dribbled,  ran, and shot, and I ended up on Peter’s team.


I have to admit, Peters team was a good one . I had to prove to peter that I was worthy of the 2,4 squad. After 3 practices we had a game. I pretty much thought that we were about to play professional for the first time and if we lost we would be thrown out and lost in an endless abyss of death. Fortunately we dodged a bullet and won the game. I was on both the 2,4 squad and the 1,3 squad. It was a very low key and not as scary as I thought. We won 24 to 14 and I made a shot. I made a shot in a basketball game. I decided to play to real cool, and was acting like it was as easy as breathing. Even though breathing at that point was pretty hard because I was so out of breath.


We ended up winning the next 4 games. The rush, the fun. We were the good team. The team that people weren’t cheering for because they felt bad for the losers. We were that team.Then the finalys came. The actually terrifying point. We played vigorously until we went over time. The screams of the people cheering were not motivating at all and quite annoying actually, because they were cheering for the other team,”blue team, go blue team.”. Marlowe had a penalty shot and everything went slow. Just for a few seconds. Not like the movies where it is slow motion, more like something you have to experience to understand. His hands let go of the ball, the fast object shot across the court, hit the backboard and we lost, unfortunately.


I again decided to act like I was cool about it, unlike most of my team balling their eyes out and complaining about how the ref should not have called that foul. I started walking around the court and it was a different feeling. After every game I walked around the court saying hi to different people this was a different feeling though. A sad feeling.  I just wanted to lay down and go to sleep. My body felt limp and I slumped home. We worked so hard, how could we have lost. On the walk to home I pondered the season. Really, as I thought, I realized we played our hardest, and for the majority of the time one. It was a fun and eventful season and I look forward to the new dreaded basketball season next year.