Liam’s French Video (The Moana in Hawaii)

For one of the last projects in the second quarter of French, we worked on making a french video project. We were first asked to think about an important place that we have ether visited or lived in at one point in our lives. I picked the Moana hotel in Hawaii because both my grandparents, my mother, and me have visited there as children. I also thought the Moana would be a great choice because my mother actually made a video about the Moana for her middle school French class! We then were asked to write some important information about the Moana. Finally were were asked to write a script and film the video. I immediately knew I had to use a green screen in my video and I ended up doing so. This entire project has actually been extremely fun(especially the green screen part) and I loved how I got to maybe start a tradition of making videos about the Moana throughout generations! I found that working with things that I had already used, like the green screen, mixed with new activities made the project even more fun and made me achieve a better outcome!

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