MS chapter five

Name: Konrad
Date: 10/2/16
7th Grade Humanities
Making 13 Colonies, Chapter 5 Response

Letter to London Company

After reading Chapter 5, imagine you are John Smith. Write a letter to the London Company reporting on your progress as the new leader of the Jamestown colony. What early obstacles have you faced? What successes have you had? What problems have the London Company presented you with? Please be sure to include your relationship with other English colonists, your relationship with the Indians, and Pocahontas. What do you think it will take to succeed in the new world? Use textual evidence throughout.

Get creative and show what you know from the reading. Also, please use the first person voice. This assignment is due on Tuesday,

Dear friends of the London company,

We have now been here for quite a while, with its beautiful landscapes and exotic animals the new world has proved a stunning sight to behold. It’s beauty only increases in winter, and the people are just as nice. The native people can be very accepting or very aggressive depending on how you act and respond. I have now learnt their language and am able to communicate fully, witch has helped immensely in our trades and attempts to make peace. Although the terrain is outstanding, the creatures that live in these places are not as easy going. Me and my fellow comrades have obtained various injuries, I myself have had many incidents where I have been close to death. My friends now tell the story of how I got stung by a stingray, I think this is how it goes, “While exploring Chesapeake Bay, he was stung by a deadly stingray and was in such agony that he had his grave dug. He recovered and ate the stingray. The place where this happened, near the mouth of the Rappahannock River, is now called Stingray Point”
We have designed and built a successful fort that has lasted since it was built without any addons or fixes, it goes by the name Jamestown. This fort has not yet encountered a full attack from the Spanish or natives but when the day comes I’m sure it will prove worthy. The natives have shown exceptionally fine manners and have been very kind to us. We are making good trades with them in return for food and handy supplies. They are good, fare traders and have not fussed about any of our duties. Work here is slow due to the lack of hands we have, if possible, could the London Company send over a couple more ships with men ready for the labor. We have faced many natural problems but the problem we face that proves hardest is our enemy, the Spanish. Obtaining control over the new world would be twice as easy if the Spanish weren’t here. My request for more fighting men is extremely important if we want to take them down. The natives won’t be a problem because the Spanish have only given the natives aggression so we will have at least one helping hand. I hope you receive this quickly and may respond just as fast.
From your friend and fellow comrade,
John Smith

This is my Letter to the London company where John Smith writes to them in need of many things. I found this a fun paper to do because I could reflect on what they actually had a a problem.

The Giver Essay

The Giver by Lois Lowery

You have probably never lived in a place where everything is overseen and everything you do is all planned out. You have no choice in what you do as a job and no choice in family. Many things you know and love are changed so that they are part of a forthcoming utopia. The main character of the book, The Giver by Lois Lowery, is Jonas. Jonas starts as an eleven year old boy and turns thirteen at the end of the book. Throughout his life he realizes that he lives in a completely man made and organised world. This leads him to think that everything he knows, and the world he lives in is wrong. He goes throughout his life learning of the past and how the rulers, called the elders, corrected everything to their liking, just to make the community a utopia in their eyes. In Jonas’s community the elders strive for correction and control to make the community a utopia. They do this to stay in power and to prevent rebellion.

Over the many years they have ruled, the elders have always made changes to keep the community perfect, in their eyes, and enable them to stay on top and in command. The elders try to make the community perfect at all costs. They would use all their power just to obtain and rule a true Utopian society according to their view. In this quote it shows how they changed everything for that perfect utopia they pictured, “‘Climate Control. Snow made growing food difficult, limited the agricultural periods. And unpredictable weather made transportation almost impossible at times. It wasn’t a practical thing, so it became obsolete when we went to Sameness.’And hills, too,’ he added.’They made conveyance of goods unwieldy. Trucks; buses. Slowed them down. So—’ He waved his hand, as if a gesture had caused hills to disappear.’Sameness,’ he concluded.’” (Lowery, p. 74).This shows how the Elders must have gone through many years to finally eradicate all things that seemed useless or would get in the way of everyday routines. One of the reasons they make all these changes is to keep their world perfect, but there are many other reasons they do this. They also hope to restrain the people by doing such things.
Over the many years the elders have ruled they have changed lots of things, and also disposed of many things loved by the community, these corrections have kept the community dehumanized but therefor under their jurisdiction . This shows how the elders just want to be in power. In their view, to be in power they have to make the citizens think that everything is being taken care of. To make it like this they have to change many things so that it seems perfect, that way the people won’t ask for change and/or rebel. This quote tells us how organized everything is because if it’s not planned people might start to question how they live and turn to the elders in rebellion. “But Jonas remembered the rules. No medication for anything related to his training,” (Lowery p. 95). Jonas and all other people follow the rules very carefully so they never run into any trouble with the elders, and don’t get released from the community. The elders do a lot of hard work to keep themselves under control and keep the community from rebelling, but there are some things that seem imperfect to them that they still have to correct.

In Jonas’s community the Elders main ambition is to be in power at all times and to make the community a utopia using their ability to annihilate anything they don’t want to be there. They make all the corrections just to prevent the civilians from rebelling. The Elders control things like the local climate, the terrain and many other natural structures. The Elders also expel things like color. Color plays a big part in The Giver, the Elders give much effort to prevent the amount of color in many of the surrounding objects. For there to be a perfect world (In the Elder’s view) there must be no questioning of their right to be in power and no thoughts of rebellion. They do not want the people to have rights that they do not have, and they don’t want anyone to be free.

I liked writing the Giver essay because I got to talk about two to topics and not just one. I found it interesting how I got to relate the two topics because it would make it stronger in so many ways. Although I was ill when we made most of this I gathered ideas while I was in bed.

Value chart

When I was making the value chart I mainly had to focus on the cross hatching. I had to focus more on the direction of the lines because I would sometimes make the lines go a bit to the side and they would go off the paper. The way I dotted the paper was different because I would always leave a small space between the dots to show how they were dots and that it wasn’t all with one or two strokes.

Math profile 7B

Konrad Morgan Lehmann Split:B 9/11/2016

Math Profile

I feel I can be good in math in some areas and in others I may need some focus. I think my areas of strength are simple multiplication, addition, division, and subtraction when given a small amount of time. My weaker areas are harder multiplication, addition, division, and subtraction questions when you have a longer amount of time to complete it. In some of my past tests you can see this. We used to have small morning tests with around 4-8 questions and I did quite well on those, and they were around 10-15 minutes. But where my weakness lay was in the longer 20 question take home tests that take maybe one and a half hours to two hours.

I find math very fun when we work in groups or as a class, but what I also like is when we mix things up we do half the class on our own, maybe on a test, and then we go over it as a class. I don’t really like it when we just have a test the whole class and then we give the paper in when we finish it. I find communication in math fun we also get things done if we work well, but I totally appreciate that we would probably just chose our best friends if you let us decide our groups.

I find I can be a good math student when I want to be. Some days I might just be tired or stressed so honestly I might not give 101% to be top of the class. But I do want to do well and I think I can. But as all people I have a variety of skills and some areas where I am not as strong.

When I am doing my math homework I always take a piece of paper just to make notes on, sometimes I even need two. I use these pieces of paper to make notes on and work out quick equations or even do my working out on so the hard copy doesn’t look messy. So if some days you don’t see my working out it will probably be done on a piece of paper, but I will always try to keep this sheet so I can show my working out.

My Poems

On one for my life
And now for some more of time
But it feels different

Cinquain poem

Walking, walking
Controlled walking people
Always somewhere to go

Konrad’s Rumi Style Poem (Life and death)
Life is like a wave you don’t know what you’re going to hit

Life is like a wave
you don’t know what you’re going to hit
The waves of life,
They smash against any rock
But you will have a grave.

You can avoid life
but death you can’t desist,
It comes when it comes
And sometimes it’s defect.

Sometimes you feel pain
And sometimes you don’t,
It depends on what

Serious poem
In the style of Armant Cinquain
Cinquain Type #2

Tragic, grievous
Overtaking, controlling
It engulfs you in tragedy

Personification poems:

Aww, finally the kids have recess,
They always have reces but I love it when they play soccer.
When the kids are so excited they kick the ball so high,
It’s funny they never learn.

They never realise that when you kick it to me,
You never ever get the ball back.
Everyone tries to get it from me,
But my wall is too big they never reach it.

But then the teachers come in,
I really hate the teachers!
They can step over it with one step,
They just snatch it from me right under my nose.


Derector: Konrad
Armant: Lead Anchor (Does not have to memorise, it’s ok)
Gus: James Adams (Does not have to memorise, it’s ok)
Will: Dadi (Should memorise, thanks)
Konrad: Weather man (Does not have to memorise, it’s ok)

Intro: Theme song
Armant: Hello this is Zakariyya Darzi here at Global News. Business has been off the charts. Here in Pakistan we have seen the finest camels on the face of the earth. Oh, James Adams is down at the Sibi fair. Let’s go take a look.

Gus: Hello, I would just like to say that out here we have the finest camels. But by far there is one camel salesmen who trumps them all.

(Cut into interview)

Gus: Hello Mr. Abassi What is it that you do exactly to make your camels so great.

Will: Well you know it’s hard to train camels. But I don’t think of my camels as camels I think of my camels as family.

Gus: I have heard that you have been known to SLAP your daughter. Is this true

Will: Yes it is true. The reason I slap my daughter is because you need to teach discipline in some way. And I feel this way works just fine.

Gus: I was wondering why did you chose to become a camel farmer when you could have chosen any job?

Will: Well my father was part of the Nawabs Camel Corps and so I guess I always had a connection with camels and formed an unbreakable bond.

Gus: Thanks. Now back to Konrad

(cut back to Konrad)

Konrad: Hello, my name is Talib Omar and there is a humongous storm about to hit the Cholistan Desert. We advise staying in your huts and houses and not going outside at all costs. This is also is affecting businesses all around the desert. This is going to be a tough year for the camel business. All of the camels at the sibi fair or traveling back from the sibi fair will be decimated. Back to you Zakariyya Darzi.

(Cut to Armant)

Armant: Well that’s all for today folks thanks for listening and come back tomorrow for another report on this sand storm.

Business in the Middle east
Oct. 3, 1983

What’s the first thing that you think of when you think of business? You probably just thought about a car salesman or a man in a suit. In the Middle East business is a whole different market. Instead of people in fancy suits, camels are the biggest attraction in this desert. They don’t have any cars so (other than walking) camels are the main way of transportation. We went down to the 1983 sibi fair and searched far and wide for the finest camels. There are thousands of camels in the sibi fair but one stood out the most. His name was Gulaband. Many a man tried and tried to haggle with Mr. Abbasi for Guluband but he is such an amazing camel that nat a single person has given a high enough price. Because Mr. Abbasi has so many high quality camels many people can’t afford his camels, so they visit a man by the name of Muhammad Shahzada who also has high quality camels just not quite the same as Mr. Abbasi.

Another attraction to the Middle Eastern people is the clothing. Although these clothes do not come in mainstream brands there are many high quality companies out there. The street venders and store keepers make a lot of money with these items because all you need to make them is a loom and some yarn. It’s sort of like shoes. Everybody has at least a pair. It is also sacrilegious not to wear them.cover your head so the the vendors know that there will always be buyers.

This concludes this column of “Business in the Middle East.” If you found this article interesting then tune in next week for more. Thanks and remember to buy your Chadrs.