Math step problems

Q1) 40=20% of what number?=200 Harvey has 40 lolly popps.Thats 20%
of what he needed for his party, how many lolly popps does he need.
20X5=100 40×5=200

Q2) 8.5% of $500.00=42.50 Harvey has $500.00 to spend for christmas. He is spending 8.5% on his daughter. How much money is that.
1%=5.00 0.5%=2.50 8X1%=40.00+2.50=42.50

Q3) 18=12% of 150? Harvey has 18 types of cheeses, there are 150 in the world. What percent of cheeses does Harvey have.
18/150= 12%

Math book

konrad messi workkonradm
This is the old and messy one…                     And this is the new and improved one…

This one was unorganised and messy          This one shows the problem numbers and my     because I didn’t number it and label            working out and its organised in rows…                 it…