Math step problems

Q1) 40=20% of what number?=200 Harvey has 40 lolly popps.Thats 20%
of what he needed for his party, how many lolly popps does he need.
20X5=100 40×5=200

Q2) 8.5% of $500.00=42.50 Harvey has $500.00 to spend for christmas. He is spending 8.5% on his daughter. How much money is that.
1%=5.00 0.5%=2.50 8X1%=40.00+2.50=42.50

Q3) 18=12% of 150? Harvey has 18 types of cheeses, there are 150 in the world. What percent of cheeses does Harvey have.
18/150= 12%

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