This summer went to England. I road a horse named Polo almost everyday although I specialize in western it felt just as good riding english. I did trails along the english countryside and went to a long stretch of clear ground called the Gallops because that is where they train racehorses. I galloped to the top of the mild slope and then walked through the leafy trail. I looked around the yellow and green fields of wheat. Everything that was in the field brushed up on the horses legs resulting in a bit of annoyance. I got back and started to set up jumps even though I did not know how i felt really comfortable on the english saddle so I decided to try it. I walked to a certain point so Polo and me could have a running start. As soon as I turned around Polo jumped to his feet and went into a half gallop, half canter. I needed to do more jumps but in a row so I got a lesson with Pella Goodhew a very experineced trainer. I road on a trail to an olympic jumping course. I was a bit scared at first but I got the hang of it after the first few times. The posture was a repetitive pattern. First you have got to have your back straight until you get to the jump. Second you need to have very short reins to have something called “contact”. Third when you get to the jump lean forward like a jockey and place your hands next to the mane. I jumped logs, crosspoles and the owls eye. The owls eye is a ring around a jump and horses are sometimes mildly spooked by the look of the jump.