England, Oxfordshire

This summer  went to England. I road a horse named Polo almost everyday although I specialize in western it felt just as good riding english. I did trails along the english countryside and went to a long stretch of clear ground called the Gallops because that is where they train racehorses. I galloped to the top of the mild slope and  then walked through the leafy trail.  I looked around the yellow and green fields of wheat. Everything that was in the field brushed up on the horses legs resulting in a bit of annoyance. I got back and started to set up jumps even though I did not  know how i felt really comfortable on the english saddle so I decided to try it. I walked to a certain point so Polo and me could have a running start. As soon as I turned around Polo jumped to his feet and went into a half gallop, half canter. I needed to do more jumps but in a row so I got a lesson with Pella Goodhew a very experineced trainer. I road on a trail to an olympic jumping course. I was a bit scared at first but I got the hang of it after the first few times.  The posture was a repetitive pattern. First you have got to have your back straight until you get to the jump. Second you need to have very short reins to have something called “contact”. Third when you get to the jump lean forward like a jockey and place your hands next to the mane. I jumped logs, crosspoles and the owls eye. The owls eye is a ring around a jump and horses are sometimes mildly spooked by the look of the jump.

At the Jumps Course with Polo
At the Jumps Course with Polo


I drove Upstate to horseback ride. I learned about different skills and talents that horses have. For example, horses learn new skills and remember them later on and use them again. I saw excited horses in the paddock racing with each other and playing. Sometimes they get too excited. For example, they forget their size and knock down fences. Even though I ride different horses the horse and me have to build a bond when riding. Bonds are important because they help to calm your nerves and also the horse can get used to the way you ride. I love going out to the country because of the way I spend my time. I like watching my chickens, hiking and biking but most of all horseback riding. Even though the City is nice I think everyone can find something to do in the Country.

Horseback Riding at my country house with Ginger a retired racing horse.

Horseback Riding at my country house with Ginger a retired racing horse.

Discovery Day

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Oswald roaring at the crowd, Blowing whistles and stealing fish out of the trainers pocket. Doing flips over the water and getting splashed was fun but you would expect more water. Spongebob 4D movie, water soaked us there and tickled our shins.  Oswald through the frisbee back and forth to his trainer. Screen Shot 2015-06-02 at 2.58.23 PM

New Websites in DLab

My experience with making websites is very low but I found it fun to make it. Someone in the class helped me with the ccoding but otherwise I felt pretty confident. I like that it was not something that you had to finish and it was something just to have fun with and learn along the way. I dont know if I want to do it again because the main thing in making a website is coding and I am really bad at that but I like the designing of the website.

Stella and Kaya’s Tessellation

This is our tessellation. I had a lot of fun doing this project because it did not really feel like math even though it was basically all problem solving.  I cannot really put my finger on it, but I just really liked this lesson. One of the things i liked about this was that there was not just one right answer like in addition, multiplication, and subtraction. I felt the creative and artistic blend that gave me like a good feeling while I was doing this, so I think it turned out to be a very positive lesson.

Our tesselation
Our tesselation


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This is my font. I wanted it to turn out skinny but it turned out wierd instead. I may never learn to love this font, But I appreciate the effort that my font put into being liked, infact I could have never done this post with out it so I give it a round of applause. Although it is weird, disturbing and offly crooked it has earned a place in my heart not very important, but still a place in my heart. Now I do realize that may seem harsh and cold, I wanted Fontane [ My font] to look like a supermodel and instead I got the the gum on the runway. Now I will wrap up my inspiring peice and say I really wanted a supermodel instead of gum on the runway.

4 Four Things I hate About NYC

  • Litter. Littering is a big problem and I do not necessarily think it can be fixed. I feel like everyone litters once in a while. I also think that people could care less.


  • Smoking. Smoking happens everywhere but it happens a lot here. It does not just affect the person who is doing it, it also affects everyone around that person. You can burn yourself and others.


  • There are a lot of HOMELESS PEOPLE begging for money to use carelessly for drugs, cigarettes and alcohol. Using any of these three things can be fatal for people.  If  you take drugs it can affect your senses. Imagine this scenario.For example drugs can affect your eyes. Eyes are very delicate and redness occurs often, But at any sudden moment your eyes can get itchy than you blink to relieve the itchiness but it does not work. Next you walk near a subway and by accident you trip and push someone in. You and that person fall in. Some people of NYC are careless, so they ignore your cry for help and walk around you. This infuriates you so you grab that person and pull them down to the dirty subway floor. At the wrong time the police come in and grab you and take you to court and charge you with assault.


  • Pay to park. You have to pay for car parking, If something happens, something serious, and you do not have time to talk to the person working there, give him money, wait for the ticket and go park. If there are no parking spaces then the guy has to go and look for a space to park and if he can not find one he will kick you out. Then because the guy kicked you out you will rush and park at a hydrant. When you’re car is at the hydrant it will get towed and you will have to rent a car, pay more money for a taxi or walk to your far destination.