This quarter we read Beowulf and we also annotated it. We circled words we did not know and then looked them up. We underlined important parts of the book. Last, we wrote chapter summary. A chapter summary is when we put one or more info about the chapter we read to explain it. Annotating is important because when you want to find something important instead of scanning through the whole book you can just look at the summary. I think my chapter summary is really helpful for looking back on and I am proud of how I wrote them. I want to improve on annotating because when I circle a word I want to keep reading and I dont want to look up the word.
Author: Kaya
At Ashokan I went canoeing and saw a baby turtle. I learned a lot when we did the survival class. My group made a lean to and it was covered in bark and leaves. On the first day I found a toad and saw a snake. When I was canoeing I crashed into a branch. My arms got really tired. When I went blacksmithing I made a fire poker. Thsi year we got to do blacksmithing and the ropes course.
Beowulf Annotation Summary
Annotating Beowulf was hard because most of the book is important so I tried not to underline everything. I really like the book but annotating is also really hard because of the chapter summary you have to do when you finish the chapter. You have to write one sentence to summarize when your done. It is challenging because their is not just one piece of information in the chapter there is a lot of it and you really have to think about what you want the chapter summary to be. That is why I think annotating is a challenge.
Math Improvement

This is unorganized because it is all over the place and you cannot read it from top to bottom.
French Autobiography
Reading and Writing Goals
I want to read a huge book.
I want to write an Idea book.
Summer Learning
Summer Learning
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England, Wales
This summer I went to England and did a lot of horse involved things like horseback riding, grooming, washing, feeding, treating their cuts and a lot more in Wales too. I drove out to Wales with the Brooks family for Coco’s birthday it was a lot of fun but also tiring. In the afternoon their would be wild ponies on the top of the mountain that you could see grazing. The next morning we left the campsite to climb the mountainand we crossed a barb wire fence into an open field of long grass and a herd of wild ponies. I took pictures of them because they were the only ones you could see up close. We all climbed the mountain that we saw the ponies on and it looked smaller upclose but it was not small or easy it was so steep like a ninety degree angle. It had just rained so everything was wet my clothes were soaked but I finally made it to the top of the mountain the wind was so strong that it hit you like a volley ball. The weather was dark, windy and rainy so we all decided to go down, I slid down on my legs and got thissels and stinging neddles all over them. As soon as I got back to the campsite I drank sparkling elderflower and ate crisps and sweet and salty popcorn. I was so releived to get back but I still was wet for the car ride back.