This break I went to Canada and I was happy I did. We went tubing and I had a lot of fun. It was fun.
Author: Kaya
New Schedule
The new schedule isn’t bad but it adds more world language. I am not good at French and It’s not my favorite so that’s not great for me. But there is fifteen less minutes of math. The best part of the new schedule is that we have more art and pe
Winter Break
I enjoyed sleeping in and having time to do what I want such as taking photos. I thought winter break was too short because it was only two weeks. I spent one week of it in Amsterdam and enjoyed it somewhat. The second week was really, really chill and I watched a lot of the office. Steve Carell is one of my favorite actors.
Photoshop Art
My photoshop project is of my dog and other animals in an empty desert scene. I chose to do this because I thought it would be interesting. My favorite part of this is my dog running from the cheetah.its hard to tell but I actually changed the color of the ground. My piece contains scale in which my dog is smaller than the cheetah. It has emphasis on the ground because of the vibrant color. It has contrast on the clown. It has movement in where my the cheetah chases the dog.
Learning Values
To me, learning is “meaningful” when it provides opportunities to…
- Learn about topics that matter to me personally.
- Use my creativity.
- Explore (like travel)
McCarthy Essay
Name: Kaya Humanities
7th Grade Comparative Essay
Sexism: A Punishment That Made History
Imagine being individually targeted by a much higher power, being judged like you have been accused of witchcraft, overlooked after taking control in a time of need. This happened to many women throughout history. Would you fight back and risk a punishment of no limits, or stay quiet and invisible like owned property? From the Salem witch trials, to the Red Scare, to the present day, sexism spread like wildfire. In a sexist community that women live in today. Sexism has lead men to make women invisible. History has criticized women’s rights and branded them.
In The Crucible women are dehumanized, treated like chattel, and discriminated against. The Crucible, by Arthur Miller, takes place in Salem, Massachusetts. Women are treated as servants. Which in the eyes of Salem men, they are. “Proctor: He turns suddenly toward a sound outside. He starts for the door as Mary Warren enters. As soon as he sees her, he goes directly to her and grabs her by her cloak, furious. How do you go to Salem when I forbid it? Do you mock me? Shaking her. I’ll whip you if you dare leave this house again!” (The Crucible, Page. 55, Hardcover). This passage is important because it shows how Proctor talks harshly to Mary Warren, his indentured servant. She is mistreated constantly. John Proctor is very aggressive towards Mary. And because she is a woman, she is dehumanized and disempowered. Mary Warren would not be able to stand up to John Proctor who is a male. Being a male allows him to have many more opportunities and privileges than women. Being a male got you lots of things. But being a women didn’t. Mary Warren had to deal with the whippings daily because John Proctor didn’t approve of what Mary Warren was doing as a women. However if a man were to do the same activities that mary Warren did… He would be accepted for doing so.
During the war women had to take on the roles of men and struggle to prove that they are equals. Women were dehumanized greatly. They could not have big roles in society. They had more “runner up” roles. Women were set into the mold of supported their families and communities. But then when the Cold War took place women could finally step into the bigger roles. “Women who had held all sorts of jobs during the war, were expected to return to more conventional roles. As housewives, or secretaries or adornment on a glamorous pedestal.” (Meaning of Victory: Post-War America (5:56)) After the war, women were forced to limiting positions. They were not recognized for their contributions. While the men were gone, women had to take on jobs that put a lot of weight on their shoulders. But when the men came back they took over again like they had been doing the heavy lifting the whole time. Therefore, women took on many roles typically for men. They held everything together while the war happened but then ended up being kicked back into runner up roles.
Women still struggle to be recognized today. Many try to work hard and look their best everyday for themselves and not other people. Women are people. Women should not be owned because they can’t be. When someone stands up to you and you have a bigger voice than a lot of people… you should use it wisely and not attack there exterior. “I really understand beauty. And I will tell you, she’s not (Angelina Jolie) – I do own Miss Universe. I do own Miss USA. I mean, I own a lot of different things. I do understand beauty, and she’s not.” (Donald Trump) This passage shows how sexist and misogynist Donald Trump is. In this passage he states that Angelina Jolie is not pretty and that he owns a few women. What kind of world are we living in? Well, according to President Trump… we are living in a world where it is okay to say that you can own a woman. Now, this is not the first time that he has judged a woman by her exterior. He has also attacked Heidi Klum, stating that she is fat and not a “10”. It’s never okay to degrade women for their appearance because that’s not fair. In fact, if everybody did judge by everyone’s exterior then Donald Trump would not be our president. He sees many ethnic groups as problematic but why isn’t orange one of them? #PresidentOompaLoompa
In America, many groups have been targeted throughout history. For a long time women have been put into the mold of prey. But every time they come back strong. From being accused of witchcraft, climbing into roles that were “made” for men, being judged on looks and becoming an asset in a man’s house, but, fortunately, women have broke out of the mold and are continuing to defy common stereotypes. People have been judging minority groups for a long time. Women are one of the main groups that are targeted. They were falsely accused of being witches with no proof. Women took on roles that were taken away as soon as the “superiors” came home and kicked back into common roles. Finally, they are judged on their looks. Women become eye candy and are not taken seriously. Much sexism is still alive today. During the 2017 presidential debate, Hillary Clinton, took some pretty awful comments from Trump on her relationship with her husband. He said how if she could not control her husband then how could she control America? Unfortunately, Clinton never got her chance to prove how great she could make America. Women need to be treated as people and not objects. Will history repeat itself once again or will we guide our future into a new path?
Drama Majors
In drama this trimester we were assigned a character from Galileo. I am Virginia Galilei and I am basically dehumanized by my father, Galileo. He does not think I understand his work but I continue to stay positive and tell him that the court will appreciate him, But will they?
Ecology Action Project Presentation
Colonial Research Paper
Humanities November 27, 2016
Name: Kaya
Printing with Power: Printing in Early America
By Kaya K.
The printer was essential by allowing the settlers in Colonial America to communicate. They also helped create the democratic world we live in today because they circulated key information. The printer was important to the colonists and had many jobs to do in the shop. These jobs included the compositor, editor, publisher, and pressman, plus many more. The colonial printer had a very important and challenging job, from setting the type to using the printer. What the printer did on a daily basis allowed people to communicate and circulate important information as well as enforce the rules in the colonies.
Women were key to the success of the printing business. The English settlers sailed across the Atlantic Ocean and founded a colony in Massachusetts in the early 1600s. In 1638 they built a college known as Harvard. Harvard housed the first printing press in America. A woman named Elizabeth Glover, the wife of a deceased reverend by the name of Joseph Glover, took over the operation of this printing press. Many females came later and thrived by working in the printing business. “Sarah Updike Goddard and her daughter Mary Katherine were two of the most prominent female printers in the colonies. Sarah came from a prominent Rhode Island family. She funded her son William’s training in the printing business with her inheritance after the death of her husband. The printing business soon became a family affair. Sarah became the printer of the Providence Gazette in Rhode Island.” (American History Online, Facts on File) But unfortunately, women were not given credit for their contributions to the printing business. Their actions affected the success of the printing press in colonies. Many women who got involved with the printing business simply got brushed aside. They were treated similar to slaves because they were considered inferior. Sexism was common in Colonial times and the women were treated as chattel. It is important to realize that people had no reason to treat women as something less than what they are, people.
The printing process required many tools to do intricate work. Printers used many different tools to make their prints as close to perfect as possible. The printers would use tools that we still use today. For example, hammers were used for many different purposes. There were many steps such as type set. Type set was an array of many small metal letters that would be arranged manually. The single letters could be arranged to become words then sentences, and finally pages. After the time consuming process was complete, the printer could make as many copies as he or she wanted. “Printing is a means of pressing letters, words, sentences, and pictures onto a sheet of paper. In order to do his work, the printer must have certain equipment. Chief among it are three things: metal type, ink, and a printing press. The Colonial printer’s type was made up of a great number of single metal letters of the alphabet. They could be put together to make words and sentences, which could then be combined into pages. Once each page of type was inked, it could be printed in as many copies as were needed. Then the single metal letters could be separated. They could be used again and again, to make many different words and sentences and pages. They were called movable type, because the single letters could be moved about to make a variety of words.” (The Printer, Colonial Craftsmen) Type was a very important tool. In fact, without type the printing press would not have a purpose. However, today, we use stamps that is a simplified version of the Colonial printing press. Lucky for us, technique and time consuming work was left in Early America.
Printing was a slow and detailed process that required technique. The first step would be to make a piece of type. The compositor would arrange the type in a specially built shallow case. The capital letters were held at the top, that is why they are called “upper case letters”. The lower case letters were on the bottom case. The letters were not arranged alphabetically they were arranged by most used. Now the compositor would turn the letters into words, etc. Letters that were the same size and style were called a font. “A complete collection of all the type characters in the same size and style was called a font. It contained greater quantities of some letters than of others, because the printer would use more E’s and X’s for example. A printer brought as many type fonts as he might need or could afford. Each piece of type had to be made in a special metal-working shop called a type foundry.” (Unknown) If the printer wanted to sell his work for more money s/he could buy more sets of the same style letters. More money was very important to shop owners and workers because they could keep improving the shop to sell merchandise for more money. The printer would have so many jobs and worked extremely hard to earn money to provide for their families. The more cash they earned the more there work payed off.The compositor was also the printer and had many other skillful jobs.
The printer had to be as precise as possible. Really anything could make a perfect book turn into not so good. The little steps were the most important. When the printer measured the cloth to finalize the cover and spine of the book s/he would have to know what s/he was doing or it could end of looking sloppy and risk the chance of getting their pay docked. “ Technical Methods: Measuring. The first step in good binding is accurate measuring. The ruler and one side of the carpenter’s square are graduated in sixteenths of an inch. Whether measuring paper, boards, cloth, or buckram, make it a rule to be precise.” (Watson, Aldren A. Hand Bookbinding) Good printers and binders would have to be a perfectionist. If they were not already a perfectionist they would soon become one. However, printers had many talents that were put to use to perfect their work.
Printers would have had to be a person of many talents. A printer had many jobs to do that required skill. A printer would have to be an editor, a publisher,a pressman and a compositor, (which means he or she would arrange letters into sentences and etc.) If the printer was wealthy he or she would hire an apprentice called a “devil” and if he or she was poor, he or she would have to do everything themselves. If the printer did not have so many jobs to do the apprentice would not be as necessary but not only was the apprentice a pair of helping hands, but he wasn’t paid. The printer would be in a much better place if he or she were wealthy because s/he could buy better tools. For example, he could buy the same font which was worth more money than mismatched sets.
Social class would determine how cultures would interact with printing. The social class with the most power, the English settlers, used the printing press the most. The Native Americans did not have a written language therefore they did not have much use for printing materials. The settlers used the printing press for many things. The first printers at Jamestown were white, English males. They took advantage of the freedom of the press to spread their ideas and stay in power. When the African-Americans would run away, to show rebellion, the printer would run advertisements to help catch them. This shows that the English used the printing press to stay “superior” to the other cultures who did not have access to the press.
In Colonial America, printers worked very hard to spread information and enforce rules. Printed materials benefitted the English Colonists and the printing press was an important tool for these colonists. Because Native Americans didn’t have a written language, they did not have many uses for a printing press. Those in power prohibited African-Americans from using the printing press to disempower them. Today, the printing press has evolved into computers and the internet. People in first world nations have more access to printed matter and also have the sophistication to best access this information. Other people who are not as privileged don’t have this access. Is it fair to exclude different people just because of their skin color?