Hypno and Coffee-Man

Posted onDecember 15, 2014 
Filed under Humanities and tagged | Leave a Comment

Hypno is an evil force. He never gives up his victims, and kills for fun. But Coffee-Man is the opposite. He is the savior; he takes people out of Hypno trance and wakes them up. Hypno is the mutated version of Coffee-Man. Once Coffee-Man tried to retire so he made a clone. He


Coffee-Man tried to make a assistant to give the world the three dollar cup of joe. Insomniacs are workers for Coffee-Man. They spy on Hypno, and never sleep. Semi narcoleptic people are workers for hypno. But they kind of suck at their job because the are always sleeping. But when they do the job they are amazing at it.


Hypno is back at it, always trying to take over the world. His latest victim is Dan. Hypno goes through the ear and hides in the brain. Dan is fighting for power but is losing. He wants to wake up but can’t. Dan sleeps two hours into his job. He wakes up. Vocal chords on fire. He screamed so loud the tenant below him woke up and started saying curse words. He got dressed and ran all the way to work.


Coffee-Man gives Dan a few cups of joe to wake him up. Hypno jumps out before the coffee hits him. Coffee-Man throws 10 cups of joe at Hypno. Hypno doges a bunch but one hits him in the head. He falls back after he wobbles a little bit. Coffee-Man runs up and punches Hypno in the face. Coffee-Man won.



My Personal Narrative

Posted onNovember 5, 2014 
Filed under Bassin, Brandstetter, Humanities | Leave a Comment

Vivre En Enfer  

My brother was looking out the window to the new camp, looking across the many fields my dad drove by. Me and my brothers eyes are bagged from no sleep the night before. He tried to tell me what camp is like, but I knew he was lying because he has never been to sleep away camp. “It’s gonna be rough, but we can get through it,” said Thibaud.

Suddenly I had this feeling. I’ve had this feeling before, your stomach feeling all achy and you feel like you are about to throw up. It was the first day of school, Pre K. I had just walked into the classroom and I could see all my classmates. The sick feeling in my stomach worsened. My teacher welcomed me. She was like a giant compared to me, same as all of the other adults. I sat down in a chair at the farthest table and kept to myself.

When the activity started I sat down on the rug like everyone else, it was mourning meeting. I  could see a kid I met earlier, Harvey and another friend, Victor. I sat in the middle of both of them and then we started. I met Lily, Zoe, my old friend Sam and a lot of other kids.

Sam had a wheelchair and I would always get to use it. When Sam was born his brain didn’t connect to his legs so he couldn’t walk.

At my first day at lrei, things were different. When I first saw Sam that day I was so happy. My parents didn’t tell me we were going to school together. Then we had lunch. I ate lunch with all my new friends.

I was back at camp Tekakwitha. We parked in the field/parking lot and met with my counselor, Simon. He took my bags to my cabin while my parents my brother and I ate lunch. It was all French Canadian food like quiche, shepherd’s pie and a lot of other delicious food. I went to my cabin with my parents and got ready for me to stay a month. Made my bed, stacked my bags and got the rest ready.

Then I started to read. I was kind of bored. I read for at least two hours. Then my counselor told me to go outside for cantine. Cantine is where they give you candy and ice cream. Also what they do is they take 4 starburst and hammer them together so you get 4 flavors. Right now my idea of camp changed. I met some of the older kids who are really nice, caught up with my brother and hung out with my friends. It is really good.  After cantine is siesta. Your counselors are the only ones who sleep during siesta so you can hang out with your friends in the cabin. I met my cabinmates. Arnaud D, Arnaud C, Antoine, Jean Simon/ JS.

Two hours later, after bain (swimming in the lake). I go to the dining hall for dinner. I could smell the steak on our way there. Food at camp was really good. Not like in movies where the food stinks. Half way through the meal another kid comes, Victor. I did not know he spoke English at the time. When we got to our cabin he started speaking English, and I made a face that I wish to not make again. I was really confused. After that we went to roast marshmallows and then went to sleep.

That night I thought about the events that day. My view of camp had really changed. I really wanted to stay now. My new friends were great. Everyone I met, Victor, JS, Antoine. The two Arnauds. This is gonna be my life for a month. I better get used to it.


Imagine the Future

Posted onOctober 29, 2014 
Filed under Ad Issues, Fall 2014, Silberberg | Leave a Comment

“When you were in lower school, what was something that you were excited about for fifth grade? How do you feel about it now that you’ve done it?
What was something about fifth grade that you were a little nervous or worried about? How do you feel about it now?
What is something about which you are still a little nervous or worried? What might you do to feel a little less nervous or worried?
What is something that you haven’t done yet in middle school about which you are excited? What are you excited about it?”


1. I was pretty happy to move up to middle school, because my brother was in and told me it was really fun. I feel pretty good now that I  in middle school.


I was worried we would get a ton of homework. Turns out we don’t always have that much. I like not having a ton of homework.


I am worried that I won’t get good grades. I can study for what we are doing and try my hardest.


I am excited for spirit week because it looks really fun. I really want to do twin day.



Puzzle 30 Problem

Posted onOctober 28, 2014 
Filed under Chaney, Fall 2014, Math | 1 Comment

Here are my puzzle problems.


My number is a factor of 600

My number is even

My number is not square

My number is lower then 8

My First Composition

Posted onOctober 24, 2014 
Filed under Fall 2014, McLean, Music | Leave a Comment

This is my first composition and I hope you like. I worked really hard on it.

Population Problem

Posted onOctober 16, 2014 
Filed under Chaney, Fall 2014, Math | Leave a Comment

In math class we are a lot of graph problems. In social studies we are doing the history of the universe. We were supposed to do the population. We all over guested by a lot. Anna told us that 8,000 years ago there were only 5 million people, there are 7 billion today. That was all Anna gave us. Anna told us to think of the rest. I think most of our go strait up. Then go up and down for a little bit because of all the plagues and wars around there then goes up to 7,125,000,000. I think it spikes up because between that and present times their isn’t that much space. So it has to, I think it spikes because of the Black Death the Spanish Flu… Then I think it goes up like the economy. It goes up and up until 7,125,000,000.


My notebook

My notebook

Chronology Project

Posted onOctober 13, 2014 
Filed under Bassin, Fall 2014, Humanities | Leave a Comment

On Friday the 10th we did a activity in groups. We had to put flash cards of events in chronological order. That means arrangement of time in time order. Well our group (Wyatt, Piper and I) had less cards then the rest so the details like when dinosaurs came were not there, so it was a little difficult. My group came up with half the cards and we just kept thinking about new ones after we came up with the old ones. I learned that it really isn’t that difficult if you have other people around you when you are doing an activity together, and the challenges we did face we worked around. We had great discussions and we talked about every thing from the big bang to hominoids. We didn’t agree on the ice age. Other than that we had a great time.


these are the flash cards

these are the flash cards

My Atom

Posted onOctober 9, 2014 
Filed under Bobrowski, Fall 2014, Science | 1 Comment

This is a picture of my atom. I know it looks like this because in Art class there are atoms every were and it has always has caught my eye. My brother has made me help him make countless atom models so I kind of know.


This is my atom

This is my atom

Track and Field Problem.

Posted onOctober 8, 2014 
Filed under Chaney, Fall 2014, Math | Leave a Comment

The problems are (A) run a little, stop, run a little, stop, then walk to the end. (B) Walk very slowly for a short way, stop for six seconds, then run to the end. (C) Run to the half way point, then start slowing down. Go slower and slower to the end.

One thing that I think is wrong for the bottom one for B is that it belongs with C. You can tell by all the rest of the C start a 6 then go slower and slower. Another thing that has come to my attention is that in B you walk, then stop, then run. You don’t get that tired from walking a short distance. I like that on A everyone really showed that you stop then go. To me it very clear.


This is the board.

This is the board.

New Planners

Posted onOctober 1, 2014 
Filed under d.lab, Fall 2014, Segal | 1 Comment

I think a good planer idea is a notebook that has a daily page so that we can have one book for the whole year instead of wasting paper every two weeks, as is currently the case with our planners. Furthermore, having a daily planner would be a lot faster than having these huge pieces of paper, because they rip and tear in your notebook. I would really like it and it would be much easier.


This is the kind note book that we would use.

This is the kind note book that we would use.



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