Imagine the Future
“When you were in lower school, what was something that you were excited about for fifth grade? How do you feel about it now that you’ve done it?
What was something about fifth grade that you were a little nervous or worried about? How do you feel about it now?
What is something about which you are still a little nervous or worried? What might you do to feel a little less nervous or worried?
What is something that you haven’t done yet in middle school about which you are excited? What are you excited about it?”
1. I was pretty happy to move up to middle school, because my brother was in and told me it was really fun. I feel pretty good now that I in middle school.
I was worried we would get a ton of homework. Turns out we don’t always have that much. I like not having a ton of homework.
I am worried that I won’t get good grades. I can study for what we are doing and try my hardest.
I am excited for spirit week because it looks really fun. I really want to do twin day.