My Atom

Posted by on October 9, 2014 
Filed under Bobrowski, Fall 2014, Science

This is a picture of my atom. I know it looks like this because in Art class there are atoms every were and it has always has caught my eye. My brother has made me help him make countless atom models so I kind of know.


This is my atom

This is my atom


One Response to “My Atom”

  • 22julienr on October 14th, 2014 5:19 pm    Reply

    Mine Resembles Chadwick because it has the electrons and the protons and neutrons in the middle. It also looks like Chadwick’s because it has the nucleus.An accurate part of my atom is that it has the nucleus and the protons and neutrons. In inaccurate part of my atom is that it doesn’t have electrons whizzing around really fast, like at light speed. The difference between all atoms are that there are different amount of electrons and protons. It is different then all other atoms in the periodic table.

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