Chronology Project
Posted by 22julienr on October 13, 2014
Filed under Bassin, Fall 2014, Humanities
On Friday the 10th we did a activity in groups. We had to put flash cards of events in chronological order. That means arrangement of time in time order. Well our group (Wyatt, Piper and I) had less cards then the rest so the details like when dinosaurs came were not there, so it was a little difficult. My group came up with half the cards and we just kept thinking about new ones after we came up with the old ones. I learned that it really isn’t that difficult if you have other people around you when you are doing an activity together, and the challenges we did face we worked around. We had great discussions and we talked about every thing from the big bang to hominoids. We didn’t agree on the ice age. Other than that we had a great time.
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