Track and Field Problem.

Posted by on October 8, 2014 
Filed under Chaney, Fall 2014, Math

The problems are (A) run a little, stop, run a little, stop, then walk to the end. (B) Walk very slowly for a short way, stop for six seconds, then run to the end. (C) Run to the half way point, then start slowing down. Go slower and slower to the end.

One thing that I think is wrong for the bottom one for B is that it belongs with C. You can tell by all the rest of the C start a 6 then go slower and slower. Another thing that has come to my attention is that in B you walk, then stop, then run. You don’t get that tired from walking a short distance. I like that on A everyone really showed that you stop then go. To me it very clear.


This is the board.

This is the board.


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