Two Weeks of School.
Posted by 22julienr on September 20, 2014
Filed under d.lab, Fall 2014
I feel pretty good after two weeks of school. I have been able to say that I went to Ashokan and I am pretty happy about that. My brother that went to LREI most of his life just left to go to a new school and that’s very different from last year. I wish I could say that I don’t miss him but I do. So that’s all I have done in the past two weeks of school, and have a good day everybody.
One Response to “Two Weeks of School.”
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Clair on October 6th, 2014 2:52 pm
Nice post, Julien, thank you for sharing! One quick note:
“My brother that went too LREI most of his life just left to go to a new school and that’s very different from last year.”
“too” in that sentence should be “to.” Make that one change and update your post and you’ll be all set!