This is T-Po inc.’s new product. The Headband. The use of this product is to help get your hair up quick and easily. How it works is it is a headband with bristles that are gel infused. It is the size of a hair tie. Stretch it out and slide it over your head like a normal headband. It will slide back into a ponytail. Then add the bun maker in. Then put the second part of The Headband in. That is the hairnet. It has bobby pins and gel in it. Just slip that in and you are done. In the picture you will see the colors it comes in.
Many people argue that when Parvana makes sacrifices, she is helping many people but actually she is doing a disservice to many people. When Parvana becomes a boy and has started working it doesn’t help anyone in the market. It doesn’t help because now the people in the market that also have families to care for have one more competitor. Parvana is helping four people, and making it harder for the tens of people in the market. This quote is when the Taliban man came to ask Parvana to read his letter. “”You are a letter reader?” he asked in Pashtu.” This quote supports my thesis because this man came to Parvana’s stand. If Parvana wasn’t there, this man would have went to someone else’s station and payed them. Therefore, Parvana is stopping people from getting money. So no food for that person! Parvana could have killed them.
by Tilda Sutter
Chapter 1
I was in a box. A very cold small box. The capitol had been overthrown, but I still wasn’t happy. After Katniss shot Coin, I went crazy. I knew everything would be bad for me, but Snow deserved. So I took my axe and killed Snow. What? I had to. But now I am locked up. They call me crazy but I am not. Katniss tried to help me but it didn’t work. The new government doesn’t like me. Which is why I am stuck here. They put me in a box, with food and water. But nothing will last forever. I pushed and thrashed at the box, but I was stuck. They told me if I came back, I was forgiven, if I didn’t, well I didn’t. I wish to kill myself, but I don’t have anything. I almost wish I was back in the games, almost dying. I thought no one could hurt me, I was immune to the Capitol’s stupid love games. But now I can’t die. I will never grow old. Everytime I try to kill myself, someone dies. But that is when it happened.
Chapter 2
It was a splash, but this was different. Now I knew I was on the sea. But I must have been on the sea for a long time now, for at least a month. So why did the water just come in? But then I saw it. There was an axe sliding into the box. I grabbed at it and pulled. It came to me easily. So I hit the walls on the box. Finally the box cracked and water came flooding in. I swam out with the axe in my hand. But that is when I saw it. Well, I didn’t see it. It was invisible. Well no, it was there. There was water underneath me. But I wasn’t in the water.
Chapter 3
It was like a box, halfway full of water. It was so large I couldn’t see the end of it. Except the air was clear water and you couldn’t breathe in it. “Hey, she can’t die so let’s throw everything at her.” The government must have thought. But the air/water was so thick you could barely move in it. But there was tools, drifting in this clear gloop. The box I was in was going up, resisting the clear gloop’s strong pull. I barely could move, the gloop was so thick. There was water, about ten feet below me. I think it was water, but it may be that it is gloop too. My axe was falling down, going to the water. So I went with it. Soon I had reached the water. It felt like a breath of fresh air, being able to move. I guess I should say a breath of fresh water though. I kept going down and then I realized, I was just falling.
Chapter 4
I was falling. No water, I was falling down air. The air was blue though, the exact color of the water. How could this be possible? Also they water seem to not be able to pass an invisible barrier that I could go through, leading to the water. I should just stop thinking things are impossible. I know by now that I can not trust anything. But now I was just falling. Nothing to hold onto to help me back up. Like I wanted to go back up. I preferred the feeling of butterflies and the rush of falling to not being able to breathe in complicated gloop. The only thing was the air was completely blue. Like a lot of blue fog. I couldn’t even see my feet. I had lost the axe so I had pretty much nothing to do. So I did flips, tried unsuccessfully to do some twists and just thought outloud. I kind of was a four year old, playing around and being stupid. It felt like a weight had been lifted. Finally I could just be myself. But of course that was ruined too.
Chapter 5
It was backwards. Everything was backwards. Everything suddenly shifted and I was going up. Back through the water, through the gloop. After a few times I figured it out. Every hour the clear gloop/water/blue air would make me go the opposite direction. I couldn’t find the box, it must of escaped this death trap. But it probably went somewhere worse. I found my axe again though. But there was something odd. Whenever it changed, there was this sound that would go off. Like the sound a computer makes when it glitches. When your T.V. won’t work and it has a black screen with the shaking lines. That* sound. It was like a big computer. After about a day of this torture a had a plan all figured out. When I got to the part that separated the water and the blue air I would hit with my axe. There must be some barrier that I could shut off, make something happen. I was waiting to come to the barrier between the water and blue air, I was in the water. But that is when I got the first peak of air and got my axe out…
Chapter 6
I hit it. It shattered like glass. Water poured down on me. The air went up,the gloop went down.Just like gravity was working it’s magic. Finally, something to stop me from going insane. The air was up, the water/gloop was down. I knew it wasn’t big, but that thing bothered me. What made it that there was no Gravity, until I hit nothing. My axe seemed to change something, turn the invisible barrier that would do nothing to me, into a solid, like it was a gas before. Now the barrier was not something that I could see. I knew it was there because of a little shine, like Katniss saw in the games. This time it wouldn’t let water through, instead of people. But I broke and it shattered. I wasn’t moving anymore, no strong pull telling me where to go. I fell and dived and swam. I was free. But that is when I heard the sound.
Chapter 7
That awful sound. The shaking sound, the glitching computer. It was actually kind of silly, maybe I was mental. Lets see. I am in a _______?_____.There is water and above it there is______?_______. Below the water there is ______?_________. It is about _____?_______ long. I am here because of _____?________. And the box that I arrived in is ______?______. The government hates me because ______?_____. How I will get out is _____?_____. Very specific. There is nothing that I remember, there is nothing that I could do. Thanks, Snow! Why you gotta be so stupid? I wouldn’t of killed you if were smart! Ugh! Now, I should say I got mad and tried to kill myself, but that would be lying. But that probably would have been better and easier to explain. Instead,* well I kind of glitched.
I think the planner should be a book with all of our planners in it. First page should be planner 1, second page planner two. That way none of the work we did will go to waste. We all spent a really long time on our planners, and they shouldn’t be gone. I think both inside covers should be a space to draw on. The back cover should be a place for your spelling words. The cover is blank. You can put pictures on it, you can put stickers or you can leave it blank to draw. It should be totally up to you. If you want to be a whiteboard or chalkboard? You can do it.
Cliff Diver
by Tilda Sutter
I look down at the drop and want to scream. My back hurts and when I feel it, it has many knots in it. It probably hurts from all the jumping. I was about to. I had to. But it was so steep. I wanted to jump. But I was so scared. I was taking too long. People waiting to go on the slide after me were yelling.
I was at Grace’s end of the summer party about to jump down her water-slide/slip n’ slide.It was a huge blow-up slide. It was red and yellow. I mean all I had to do was dive, twist, sit. I had already done the slide a few times. How hard could an extra challenge be? I remembered seeing Olivia about 10 minutes ago and challenging her to do my challenge. I didn’t know she was in The Hamptons, let alone she was gonna be at Grace’s party. So I got her to do my challenge. When we waited in line we tried to get everyone to do it with us, but no one wanted to.
So here I was, about to jump. Olivia and I were about to jump. We had to head first dive, turn onto our back and then stomach. Then I just had to sit up. How hard could that be? Hard. Impossible. I was frantic. What if I couldn’t do it? I would smash into the the wall. I would hurt myself. I would break something. No. That wouldn’t happen. The slip n’ slide was blow-up. It wouldn’t hurt me. Before I knew it, Olivia yelled 1,2,3 Go! I tried to get some confidence so I would jump.
I remembered jumping off that cliff. In Hawaii, I was on Luma-Hai beach. It was about a month before the party. I had always seen my dad jump off that cliff, so I wanted to. It was about 15 feet tall. When I walked up I remembered my feet hurting on the rocks. Then I went up to the cliff. I looked down quickly. I saw huge waves beneath me. There was a large, pointy rock sticking out of the rock. If I didn’t jump far enough I would hit myself. But I still jumped. I remembered trying to erase the picture from my mind before I jumped off that cliff. 3,2,1. I had jumped off the cliff. In mid air I remembered being so scared. But I still jumped.
I had jumped then. So why was it so hard for me to jump now? But still when I thought I would jump into the Slip ’n slide I didn’t jump. I was so scared. I felt as if the world would kill me if I jumped. Olivia didn’t jump either. Grace was behind me. I knew she was gonna push me. I mean, she was Grace. Olivia saw Grace about to push me. So she jumped. I felt a quick push.
Water was in my face. What did I have to do again? The twist. I tried to get on my back. But the steep part was so steep. If I couldn’t do it here I would have to do it on the flat part. But the flat part was really tiny. I didn’t think I would have time to do it. But I couldn’t do it here. So I took a big risk. I was gonna have to do the twist after the steep part.
Time was passing rapidly. You could say I was freaking out. The flat section of the slide was paltry. And I was on the flat part. The paltry, red and yellow flat part of the slide. The super short flat part that I was on. Quick, small, paltry, red, yellow, bouncy, flat, thin, annoying, uncomfortable flat part.. Stop it! I thought. Describing the flat part was not gonna help me. What did I have to do again? Twist. I had to twist.
I was on my back. Back back back. I was on my back. My back hurt. Painful, bouncy, colorful, That was what the slide was like. Yes. Because describing things gave me confidence. Why did I have to go back on to my stomach? I could just end like this and say I did it. But I actually wanted to do it. So I put all my weight to my right. Now I was on my stomach! Yay! Twist completed! Happy, Joyful, excited, full of joy, was how I felt. I suddenly had a burst of confidence. But what did I have to do? Sit. I was about 7 feet from the end. I put my weight forward. 6 feet, 5 feet, 4 feet, Ugh. Up! I was sitting up! And I still had time! 3 feet, 2 feet 1 foot, Ow! I hit myself on the wall. “Wait that didn’t hurt. I thought to myself. Then I realized something. I had finished the challenge. I had done something I was scared to do. I did something that was hard for me but I did it. I did it. Grace had pushed me, and I was happy for it. If she didn’t push me I wouldn’t have done the challenge. I did the challenge.
I wasn’t the only one who did the challenge. Olivia did it too. We kept on making harder challenges and kept pushing ourselves. Still, no one wanted to do it with us but that was okay, I liked it with Olivia. We made about 12 challenges up. I completed all of them. So did Olivia. It took a long time, but we still did it. We did it.
Clue 1: My number is even.
Clue 2: My number is a factor of 1,536,512.
Clue 3: My digits together equal 8.
Clue 4: My number has 4 digits.