My Style Composition
I chose ragtime because it was really interesting to me as a style because I thought it would be a challenge for me to compose. Researching ragtime was hard because ragtime is often categorized as Jazz or Blues so I got more information on Jazz than I did on Ragtime. It was also hard because a classic ragtime song only uses the grand piano, but we had to use a lot of instruments. Ragtime also is usually played by very skilled pianists and is very complicated to compose. From Research I learned the main instrument of Ragtime is the Piano, most of the melodies are chord tones, and how to create a ragtime bass line. Composing Ragtime is really hard because it is such a complicated style of music. You also always have to go back and delete things because they don’t sound like Ragtime. It was also very hard for me to use the electric piano, and that was really hard for me. But then Matt told me I could change it to the Grand Piano, It was a lot easier for me to make my piece sound like ragtime.