The Fantastic 5 (Actually 6)
It was a hot sunny day in August. Today was one of the first few weeks of camp. It was 5th period. For us, that is a free period. By us I mean the fantastic five. The fantastic five was me and my five other friends (Yes we know there is six of us) who hang out together during fifth period. They were Naomi, Talia, Rowan, Ellen and Anna. Anna wasn’t hear today. We were playing pretend spit. Because we had no cards it was a little sad, but it was okay. It was the championship round between Ellen and I. It wasn’t working. I kept saying this card was a five and she said it was a three. We eventually stopped playing and started a game of Charades. Ellen ran up and started doing a horrible llama impression. “Dying Penguin!” I yelled. “It’s a llama! Didn’t you see me spitting?” she responds. Naomi then points out she wasn’t supposed to tell us. Then Talia yells “Alright ladies, the charades master is here. Give me a weird topic. This master can do anything.” So I have to respond. “Vegetables!” “Okay!” she answers. She sits down, does this weird interpretive dance like she is growing, and then puts her feet together. She pulls her hair up and forms carrot position. “Broccoli” Naomi yells. “Llama Cart!” Rowan Yells. “She’s not a llama cart.” I respond. “No look, a llama cart!” Rowan answers. I turn and see four kids pulling two other kids in a llama cart. The kids that are pulling are going fast. Very fast. Then I see a frisbee fly high in the air and land in the path of the cart. A boy named Jeuels runs to grab the frisbee just as the llama cart pulls into that path. He jumps out of the way. I realize that if he was only one second later he would have seriously hurt himself. Naomi yells “Are you okay?” “Yeah I’m fine.” he responds but still looks a little scared. We spend the rest of the day exchanging stories about our experiences with being run over by things. The End.
September 10, 2015 at 5:18 pm (9 years ago)When I thought that camp couldn’t get any stranger.