
Baseball has been a lot of fun lately. We have been playing well and have only lost one game. It has been a lot of fun playing with the high schoolers, and it is a new, hard challenge. Playing sports for your school feels different than playing in a league because it represents you. I also think that it’s really cool that I get to play sports for high school as an 8th grader.

My Digital Art Project

This is my art project. I completed this in photoshop. In this project, where the ball pit is, there was the ocean. It was a hard process. What we needed to incorporate into our project was a grayscale and as many elements of art as possible (As seen below).


I used pattern by combining many images of ball pits to make it look like one, and the pattern is the waves that I created.


The contract is between the shadow of the person jumping and the ball pit.


I use emphasis on the person by creating its shadow. The emphasis is because it is double, making it sure to the viewer’s eye that it is the main part of the image.


The balance in my image is created by the ball pit. The different images combine to make one symmetrical whole.


I use proportion by making the balls in the pit look 3D. I used scale by making the balls smaller and smaller so it looks like they are farther away then they actually are.


I use harmony by combining the ball pits to look like they are 1 single ball pit.


I use rhythm and movement by creating the ball pit to form the shape of waves, and waves move.