Imaginary Animal
This is the page I made in Spanish. It has a Quetzal, a Duck and a Mouse. Those are three of 10 animal I did.
The Homework Planner
I want for the homework planner something cool, but not to distracting like the one with a lot of video game characters. That one was so tempting not to try to name all of the characters. I liked the ones that had something cool on them, but also with a blank space to draw something. Like one of the planner pages was black and white, and the other was covered with Sponge Bob photos and rainbow colors. That one was cool, but way to distracting.
by Freddie
I really don’t like the news. I figured that out two years ago. I was watching the Today Show and I decided that it was really boring. It was a bunch of people talking about the history of Thanksgiving, which I already knew. And then they started talking about unimportant stuff, like the new IPhone. So I decided then that I absolutely hate the news, and went to get a doughnut.
I only like it for one reason, which is to figure out the sports scores. Sometimes if i’m in a taxi the news will be on. It will show the Mets scores from last night, and I’m a huge Mets and baseball fan so I really like to know what the scores from last night are. Otherwise I absolutely hate the news. Here’s some reasons.
Reason 1: You hear about all the gun and bomb violence that happened the day before. I don’t really want to hear if someone got killed 12 hours ago. It’s sort of scary thinking that there might be someone really dangerous out there, and nobody knows where that person is.
Reason 2: You hear about all the robbery that happened. Like if someone robbed all the money in the bank where you have your bank account, it might make you feel better if that the bank announces that all the money that has been stolen will be back in the bank in under a week than that.
Reason 3: On the Today Show you hear about useless stuff, like chalk hair dye. What’s the point of watching the news if you’re just going to hear about useless stuff?
Reason 4: It could give you an heart attack. Something really bad can happen. I heard that a hospital in Texas was open only for Ebola patients. So if you injure yourself then you won’t be able to see a doctor, and your injury could get infected.
Reason 5: You might hear that your favorite sports player has been fined 1 million dollars.
Reason 6: You might hear that your favorite sports player has been taking drugs and got suspended for 2 weeks. If you never heard that he got banned, then you won’t even know that he was gone.
That’s 6 reasons why I hate the news, and only 1 reason why I like it, and the reason why I like it isn’t even always true! So that’s why I absolutely hate the news and never want to watch it ever again in my life.
Cool Play Pad Song
My math puzzle
Puzzle 150
This number is a factor of 7,000.
It’s greater then 755.
It’a less then 1,500.
It’s odd.
Puzzle 87
It’s a factor of 11,000.
It’s less then 400.
It’s even.
It’s a factor of 1,125.
Imagine the Future
When you were in lower school, what was something that you were excited about for fifth grade? How do you feel about it now that you’ve done it?
I was excited for dessert during lunch. Now I’m really happy because we get some sugar to power us for the last three hours of the day, because sometimes I get really tired in the afternoon.
What was something about fifth grade that you were a little nervous or worried about? How do you feel about it now?
I was worried about having too much homework. Now I realize that you don’t really get so much homework, so I don’t need to worry.
What is something about which you are still a little nervous or worried? What might you do to feel a little less nervous or worried?
I still feel worried that I won’t get the homework done in time because some days I don’t have time to do it. I can not feel worried by that by just telling the teacher that I didn’t have time to do it.
What is something that you haven’t done yet in middle school about which you are excited? What are you excited about it?”
I’m excited for 8th grade because we go to Spain.
My Composition
This is my first composition. We had to make an A-B-A composition using three instruments. I used a Cello, Flute and a Violin. I had a lot of fun doing this because it’s the first time I have ever written music.