Category Archives: Chaney
My Polygon Venn Diagram
My math puzzle
Puzzle 150
This number is a factor of 7,000.
It’s greater then 755.
It’a less then 1,500.
It’s odd.
Puzzle 87
It’s a factor of 11,000.
It’s less then 400.
It’s even.
It’s a factor of 1,125.
Math Graphs
I noticed that only the graphs in section B all look the same. There’s only one graph in A and each graph is different in C. I had a graph that didn’t look like any of the options on the board. We had a graph that was supposed in section B but there was only a 4 second stop at halfway which was confusing, because there was supposed to be a 6 second stop at halfway. I would put the graph in C next to the graph above the book in A because A graphs sort of goes up steeply and that’s what it looks like.
I think all of the graphs should start in the corner, or the graphs will look like the person started at five meters, not zero. None of the questions state that the graph should start at five meters or any other number besides zero. All of the dots should be connected because you teleport every meter, there’s something going on in between dots.