Below are 5 of my favorite poems that I wrote this year in humanities:
Nexus, Nexus, Nexus
That’s all I get to say
Until the people come and change me
It’s “Introducing the new Nexus 5X”
Not many people pay attention to me
Maybe someone will listen soon
Oh! Here’s a kid. Maybe he’s listening to me!
No, he’s just taking a photo
Maybe he’ll buy a phone because of me
I doubt it
Maybe I’ll be a big billboard one day
Not a little bus station ad
I can have dreams too
Big dreams
I can be a billboard president
I could have a pictures of the greats on me
The I-mac,
Madame Tussauds,
And maybe the New York Mets
But those are just dreams
They probably won’t happen
So I’m just stuck here forever
And ever
And ever
Until someone starts to realise
We aren’t just advertisement
We have lives
We have dreams
And they can all come true.
6 AM:
I wake up early
Damn alarm clock I hate you
Snooze bar is the best
Why cling to a suffering life
When you could cling to your amazing afterlife
Where no one ever dies
Where no one ever lives
There is just peace
You may be reborn
Or stay in your paradise
As long as you look good in His eyes
You will never suffer
And He will give you
Another and another and another life
My poem in the style of Emily:
6 A.M.
The horrendous train
The lone person sleeps in peace
I am alone too
I see the hand move
I did not see his face well
My wallet is gone