My Poems

In humanities this April, which is poetry month, we started writing poetry. We started by Dave sharing a doc of how to write different poems. It was called Various Poetry Activities. It explained how to write haikus, which are my favorite, memory poems and a lot more. We would then choose a type of poem to write, and using the rules of how to write it, write it. I’ve done mostly haikus, but I have also done memory poems. The first poem we wrote had to be a haiku, and I worked with Zach and Miles. We had inspiration from Zach, because he always breaks his phone.


Phone’s are great friends, but

We all smash them way too much.

And then we feel dead.

In the next class we were allowed to do any poem we wanted to. I wrote a memory poem about the Mets winning a world series game. The next class we did a New York Times poetry competition haiku that had to be about NYC. There was 5 categories: Commute, strangers, 6am, the island, and one other. My favorite was a 6am one I wrote. It was about how I hate getting up for school in the morning.

6 AM:

I wake up early

Damn alarm clock I hate you

Snooze bar is the best
A strength I had with this was thinking of the idea of the poem. That is always the easiest part for me. A challenge I had was expressing it in words. Each line of the poems I normally write 3 or 4 times before I got a good one out. My goal is to not write just haikus and to try some other types of poems.

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