My emotianol cartography map to school


At home I’m happy because I get to eat and sleep before going to school and I don’t have to do any work.  When I start to walk to school I’m sad because I have to walk a lot to get to school. I’m nervous on the corner of Greenwich and Spring because I always get worried that I’m going to be late for school. I’m tired at the corner of Varick and Vandam because my back starts to hurt from carrying my backpack and because I would prefer to sleep. On King street I get hungry because I realized I didn’t eat enough for breakfast. I’m annoyed at the crossing of Houston and 6th Avenue because you have to cross twice and the lights are offsetting. I’m angry when I get to school because then I realise that I have to start to do work.

In humanities our first emotional cartography map was our path to school. I used emojis to explain how I felt at certain parts of my walk.


3 thoughts on “My emotianol cartography map to school

  1. dedson

    Great start, Freddie! Two things: 1) Check your spelling in the title. Always self edit. 🙂 2) Can you say something about how this emotional cartography work connected to Language Arts and Social Studies? That’s the real trick!


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