Monthly Archives: October 2014

Imagine the Future

When you were in lower school, what was something that you were excited about for fifth grade? How do you feel about it now that you’ve done it?

I was excited for dessert during lunch. Now I’m really happy because we get some sugar to power us for the last three hours of the day, because sometimes I get really tired in the afternoon.

What was something about fifth grade that you were a little nervous or worried about? How do you feel about it now?

I was worried about having too much homework. Now I realize that you don’t really get so much homework, so I don’t need to worry.
What is something about which you are still a little nervous or worried? What might you do to feel a little less nervous or worried?

I still feel worried that I won’t get the homework done in time because some days I don’t  have time to do it. I can not feel worried by that by just telling the teacher that I didn’t have time to do it.
What is something that you haven’t done yet in middle school about which you are excited? What are you excited about it?”

I’m excited for 8th grade because we go to Spain.

This is my graph. I decided to make it weird shaped because every so often I thought the population would sink so I made the graph go up and down. I thought it was really amazing how there was only 5 million people alive 8,000 B.C.E. I had to change my graph when Ana said that there was only 5 million people alive in 8,000 B.C.E because it made my graph drop a lot. I thought that there would be two billion or something people alive then.I found it really interesting doing this because it was a lot of estimating so it was really creative, and I like being really creative.

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S.S. Chronological Sorting


During social studies we had some index cards. Each card had something from a different part of history, and we had to sort them into chronological order. My group didn’t have much trouble sorting the cards. We had an argument about if the first land animals were on land before there was seasons. Stella would switch back and forth between ideas and me and Margaret were always on different sides. We had to check our notes to figure it out. Everything else we agreed on. I learned that there were seasons before there was land animals. Most of the other things I already knew.


My Atom

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I remember during science we watched the History of The World in Two Hours. We looked closely at the atoms. They were showing hydrogen atoms so I thought that I would get the best atom if I made a hydrogen atom. I found it challenging to make the blue rings inside the bubble. I had to make it three times before I got a good one.  I enjoyed the whole part of making the atom because I found it really fun that we got to using computers to make an atom, because it looks a lot cooler then if I drew it .

Math Graphs


I noticed that only the graphs in section B all look the same. There’s only one graph in A and each graph is different in C. I had a graph that didn’t look like any of the options on the board. We had a graph that was supposed in section B but there was only a 4 second stop at halfway which was confusing, because there was supposed to be a 6 second stop at halfway. I would put the graph in C next to the graph above the book in A because A graphs sort of goes up steeply and that’s what it looks like.

I think all of the graphs  should start in the corner, or the graphs will look like the person started at five meters, not zero. None of the questions state that the graph should start at five meters or any other number besides zero. All of the dots should be connected because you teleport every meter, there’s something going on in between dots.