Category Archives: Science

My Group Muir Web

This is a Muir web I created in a group. For this project we chose something and explained all of its connections. The goal of this was to add as many connections as possible. I think our group added a lot of detail. I think the object we used was a hard one because there were a lot of chemicals not listed on the ingredients list. Even though we didn’t add a lot of the chemicals in our object, I think we had a lot of connections. I am personally proud of this because I took this home and redid it to make it neater and clearer. Overall, this project was fun and successful.img_0283

My Personal Muir Web

This is my personal Muir web. For this project we had to record what we ate and then make it into a Muir web. A Muir web is a way to record the connections between many things and where things come from. We learned about what Biotic and Abiotic means and then used  both in our Muir web. In addition to recording what we ate and where our food comes from we added some Abiotic factors like shelter. Overall, this was a fun and educational project in science.screenshot-2016-11-08-at-9-54-51-am

Body System Connections

In Science recently we were put in body system groups. Each group studied a different system in the body. I did the Urinary system with Margaret and Io. Today in class we we made a stock and flow map about how all the systems connect. After we studied the body I realized that if any system was taken away humans would die. This is really cool. I also realized that the bodies only job is to keep you safe/alive. Every system is really important.
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Urinary System!

In Science, we were all assigned groups. Each group had to study a body system. Margaret, Io and I all did the Urinary system. We learned about structure meets function. Transitional epithelium is a type of tissue consisting of multiple layers of epithelial cells which can contract and expand. It is so named because of this function in the transition of degree of distension. This tissue structure type is found in urothelium, including that of the urinary bladder, the ureters, and the superior urethra and gland ducts of the prostate. When the bladder is empty, it looks like an inverted pyramid but when it’s full, it’s shaped like an oval. In the base of the bladder, there’s a structure called a trigone, which is the triangular area made up of the openings from the ureters and the opening into the urethra.

Spaceship Earth

This is my spaceship Earth. Spaceship Earth is a project that I did in science. Basically we portended that we were making a spaceship that was going to be in space for twenty years. There is one catch we couldn’t bring twenty years worth of anything on board.

The picture on the left is the place where all the things the crew cabin needs such as Oxygen, Food, and Water. It contains a garden, a green house, a water filter room, a compost room, a cricket farm (for food), a cow pen, and a pig pen.

The green house is the cycle of Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide. The water filter room is the cycle of liquid waste or grey water and clean water. The way it works is the dirty water evaporates and sticks to the top then it goes into the bucket. This cleans the water because only water can evaporate. The compost room is where we put our solid waste and it will turn into good soil. The rest of this floor is food.

The crew cabin isn’t on my account because I made a new account and didn’t think I made a new account for fun and decided I liked that crew cabin better then the one on my lrei account. In my crew cabin there is a poop with a bar and a grill. It also has three bathrooms. It has two rooms each contain four beds. Then there is a master bedroom which will be where I will stay. There is also a gym and a movie theater. The kitchen is in the same room as the table and the living area. I think the crew will really like living here for twenty years.


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My Atom

I think this is what an atom look like because the pointy thing at the top is spinning and that is what has all the energy in it. I know that no more energy is being created, but I think something spinning might be how it is compacted and stored inside. The challenges I had were being able to think about what I thought an atom looked like and what I thought would be the most realistic. At first I pictured an atom as just a clear ball.Screen Shot 2014-10-09 at 9.04.43 AM