Ashokan Trivia

15016949169_fbc1781c75_mLast week I went to Ashokan. At Ashokan we played a game called trivia. The way it works is your team chooses a teacher to ask you a question. If you get it right you stay in the game, if you don’t you go back to the bunk house and go to bed. I was on a team with Ben, Margaret, and Emma H. We got one question right. That question was, “What is the name of the LREI security guard?” I said Boris. Then we got another question. The question was, “What state is on the license plate on my car?” We didn’t know. I was so mad because it was such an unfair question. I will try again next year. Bye.

One comment

  1. Hi Emma,

    Great post (and I love the picture!) One quick note:

    -There’s an extra period at the end of “Emma H..” Even though you’re abbreviating her last name and ending a sentence, you only need one period there.

    Make this one small change and update your post and you’ll be all set!


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