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Who The Heck Are You?


During humanities we work on a project called Who The Heck Are You? First we had to pick a person to interview. I picked Xin because he lived in China, but I also wanted to interview Ana, Dave, and Julia.





Next we wrote a letter the to the person we picked. I feel like the letter I wrote was good with punctuation because I have been practicing. We wrote about when we could do the interview and why we wanted to interview them. Xin said he could do the interview to me which was exciting, but it was during my basketball team meeting. In the end though, it all worked out .



We then did an interview, we did it during luning lunch. I asked him a few question about when he moved to the U.S. because most people have never been an immigrant. This was fantastic to learn about because I don’t know much about China, So getting to ask him whatever I want was a fun moment. Here Are some of the questions I asked:


what was it like traveling to the united states ?


When you were a kid, what entertained you ?


what was school like for you as a kid?


what is your family like ?


what was your dream job as a kid?


why did you become a teacher?


do you prefer America and why?


did you do something before this job?


what is your favorite thing to do today ?


where have you traveled to, other than china and america?


Step 2



Once we had all the information we drafted it all. I put it in the order that I wanted to. we were supposed to find a grabber statement, which was the first thing I did.This helped me because I was confused about how to put my information in order and this helped me format the middle, beginning, and end.



When we finished step 2, we took our organized information and turned it into paragraphs. This process was really difficult but I got through. I learned about Xin and the connections I didn’t know I had with him. I can’t wait for our next project where I will get more connections. My Who The Are You:

Pizza (China) and Pasta (U.S.) by, Emily

Have you ever met a person that grew up in China? Well, if you have, did you interview them? I walked into the World Language Room during lunch. I had it all planned out. I was here to learn about the two different lives Xin has lived in. “When I came here I was on a student visa because it was graduate school that brought me here in the first place.” Xin had come for education, but what made him decide to live in the U.S.? Maybe it was because the first thing he saw was the Statue Of Liberty. Or was it because he liked LREI so much he decided to stay? There are many reasons.


As a kid in China, Xin grew up as an only child. He lived with his grandparents until he was nine because his parents were divorced. Despite this, his father would come for dinner every night . On the other hand, Xin and his mom had an unusual relationship because of their lack of bonding. It wasn’t until high school that they got to bond. Because Xin was an only child, he had to entertain himself. He liked to sing, watch cartoons, play with his friends, and read.


Xin had big dreams as a young kid. First, he wanted to be a doctor. He would make tools, like a stethoscope, out of wood and paper. Also, he made scrubs to wear. After that, he gave up trying to be a doctor and decided to try to be a lawyer. Xin would take his grandmother’s documents and pretend it was for a court case. Eventually, he got bored of that and brought out a guitar. He wanted to be a ROCKSTAR!


In the back of his mind he thought, “ I always thought I could be a teacher.” He was told by his parents to write characters on the ground with chalk, so he decided to turn it into a little game. He would be a teacher and the kid and he would teach himself. That makes me think if someone thought they could be something might be it. Also what if someone hated being a teacher and then they were a teacher.


Xin today is very similar to when he was younger. He still likes to sing and he still teaches. I wonder if that is why he liked the lip singing competition we had came up with in advisory. Xin know reflects his younger self all the time because he visits China a lot. One question though that I had is if Xin prefers China or Pasta and he said,“I think they are just different. Right, sometimes it’s like food sometimes you feel like pizza sometimes you feel like pasta. but if you had to pick one it’s kind of hard maybe today you feel like pizza you would pick pizza but tomorrow you would miss pasta.” So it turns out his home are different but equally marvelous.


Now we know the two lives of Xin. I am glad I interviewed someone so interesting . next time I hope that I will get more interesting stuff to share. At least we know him more and we know what questions to ask to get more juicy facts, and maybe one day I will get interview people from all around the world.


My goal

My goal was punctuation. I feel like I am getting better at punctuation. I am still not as good as I would want, so I really want to keep on working. Every time I mess up I learn something new. Like when there is a semicolon  you should  never make the next letter capital  unless it is I. I hope that  I will learn more trick from my tooter, teacher and my friends.

The best part of the Ashokan trip was  black smithing because you get your project ,you learn about  the old days, and it teaches disipline .





The worst part  of the Ashokan  trip was the ropes course because 80% of the time we weren’t doing anything, the helmets were small ,and you had to take a drive to get there. It was sorta of fun when it was your turn but that was it.

Chronological order

One day at school we did this activity where we got bunch of card with history events on them like the Big Bang.Then we put them in chronological order. My group got confused about all the human events we had to switch the card around we had. We had cards that were where humans had walk to and we got confused .We were talking about how the ape turned into humans. I learned  that there is so many events history it would  be impossible to count them all.photo

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