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In The Garden

“Well Miranda,” I said, “what hotel are we going to?”  I rolled my eyes when I didn’t get a answer. All my friends Clair, Mary and Lily looked at me and probably were thinking is the ride ending, morocco is ahead of us. I would go for an adventure but i’m here for a reason. We all are here  because we won an award for some scavenger hunt we did, But the catch is we are with our babysitter Miranda. A snotty women with blond hair who is as slow as molasses. She’s a zombie of distress, I can’t bear it. Whenever she calls my name Maddie I usually ignore  because its  always something about how she has a horrible life . Also apparently having  to stay a mile  near the hotel is priority, so I can’t explore morocco. Well I guess I am not getting anywhere. I heard a rumble, I looked out the window of the plane. All I could see is sand and a regular old airport. Morocco Airline in big bold text. All I was thinking was I am here.



When we exited the plane people were shoving and pushing it made feel strange. One guy was staring at me so I walked quicker. I wondered what it would be like in morocco. The sunshine glittering on the hard sandstone. Big parties in the night shining bright into the sky. When we were in the airport we had to shuffle through crowds of people trying to get by. Clair and Lily lunged at the door with Mary and I behind. The door opened. We gazed around us looking at how different this looked. It was a sandy like place with a mountain that had stairs up to the top. I was amazed I felt a shock of amusement we made it!“Well,” I said “let’s get a taxi.” Miranda yelled  “No you get it,” so we waited and waited.


When we got to the hotel and unpacked I got my own room which made feel like I was open to do what I want.There were sky blue walls and and a dark wood paneled floor. There was a little desk in the corner of the room that looked sad and lonely. I walked to the desk and opened up a drawer to put my book in when I saw a little piece of paper  that looked like a map of a suk. I felt strange as if this were meant for me. Maybe it is here for a reason I decided to follow.I told Miranda that I wanted to go out for some fresh air and if she was ok with it, well of course she was. She doesn’t  care, so I left.



When  I got to the entrance to the suk I looked at the map I was here. I took a step onto sandy ground  It made a boom and it was so loud know people making offers and others telling people to buy there product. It was madness ! I kept walking until I found a  dark  Hallway. It looked sad but it was asking for me so I had to go.


As it got darker I started to see a shadow. And there in front of me was a garden but it was a tall garden  like a maze. I wonder why this map lead me here. I decided I would go I was determined to find out why I was here. I sent out.There was a ton of turns I didn’t know where to go. I ran as fast as I could slipping through everything. I was nervous this would be like harry potter and that there would be a beast at the end.


After a long walk there was two paths. I decided to go down a path. Then I thought  about how  Mirada is doing she might be getting scared right know that she lost me which means she will be fired and she won’t  get money. Which made me think about how amazing that would be. When I noticed that my friends might be scared, that got me thinking what if they called the police. I would be dead if they new I ran off.


I got to a big part of the garden with lots of roses.  It made me feel happy and relaxed as if it were drawing me into a spell. I went to a bush and took a flower off the branch that uncovered four little shiny bright eyes.  I reached into the bush and there right in front of me was two puppies one had brown curly hair and the other was white with light brown spots and a bid noes. I was going take them back, I went to go get some vine I took it and made them each a little collar. Maybe you don’t need a perfect life to be happy. Two puppies are enough.



Screenshot 2015-02-25 at 6.23.03 AM

I like the elephant because it has one preditor . Also it ate fruit and trees which is good. But there is a lot  of compition  like the hare. Also the baboon is a competer  with the elephant.

Space Ship Earth

Screenshot 2015-02-06 at 1.02.07 PM   This is  my house it has a lot  of room to do any thing.It cycles a lot  so we outputs that turn in to inputs .I also have a compost room that takes all the garbage and recycles it and makes it useful. Also I have a computer lab that i can get in touch with nasa with. Also I have  chickens that give me meat and I have fruit.I feel great in my work  of this spaceship that represents  Earth. It surprised me because it looks like a house not like earth.

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