Name:Emily                                             Humanities


7th Grade                                                                         Comparative Essay

How will people Conform to the power




Paragraph #1: Introductory Paragraph (GIT)


Grabber Statement (G):

Imagine you were forced to give away your true identity because you were scared. What would happen if you didn’t? You must conform and lose all integrity and your individuality you have ever had for the sake of saving own your life.


Introduction of Theme (I):

Conformity takes place throughout history because people feel the need to change how they act; they are scared what others think of them. Conformity was a safety net that made people feel safe and normal. In the 1690’s People were forced to agree to be witches to save their lives. In the 1950’s people conformed to hide how they thought the government should be run. And finally now people are avoiding conforming by marching,but some are being forced to to save their jobs and lives by conforming to the government’s ideas.


Thesis Statement (T):

Throughout history of witch hunts people conformed to an average status, so they could hide from people in power to avoid punishment.




Paragraph #2: Crucible Thematic Connection


Topic Sentence (T):

Puritans in The Crucible by Arthur Miller, are forced to conform to the laws people in higher power.


Explanatory Sentence (E):

If you were in this puritan society you would conform to many rules or you would be suspected and targeted for blame and persecution


Evidence (E):

“Theology, sir, is a fortress; no crack in a fortress may be accounted small.”(pg 78)


Analysis (A):


Mr. Hale talks to Proctor because he could not say all of his commandments. This quote is important because it shows the Puritans demanded everyone in the religion conformed, so they would all be perfect. Hale tells him that not knowing one commandment destroys their protected fortress. This is how they keep everything in order and everyone pure. The fortress represents God and the church, so you must not do something wrong. They thought If there is a small crack the devil can break through, and spread darkness. If you do not follow Theology you could be accused a witch and get killed. You must not break down the fortress because otherwise you ruin your reputation. They also blame women on witchcraft because it look like they, “cracked the fortress.”


Concluding/ Transition (C):

In the Crucible, everyone was expected to conform and abide by the rules, just like in the Mccarthy era when the government scared people into conforming.



Paragraph #3: McCarthy/Red Scare Thematic Connection


Topic Sentence (T):

During the Mccarthy era people were bullied into conforming and were not allowed to be themselves.

Explanatory Sentence (E):

If you were a communist there were big punishments so everyone was forced to follow and listen to the law so they would not be charged.


Evidence (E):

“They bullied witnesses and made charges without evidence to back it up their statements. Any organizations that HUAC did not support were branded un-American, as were any witnesses who did not cooperate.”(pg. 26, Mccarthy packet)


Analysis (A):

This quote shows how people were scared so they were forced to report others and watch their friends and others be accused. Even if you show a little bit of linking to Russia you would be put in jail or worse. People were in a panic because they did not know. You could only start patriotic businesses other wise you could have been shut down. Even if you wore red everyday you could be accused of communism, that is how conformed everyone was forced to be. People were scared of be accused and that was why they conformed ,most people did not conform because they were actually scared of communism. Some people like communism and thought it was the only way for everyone to get food, but were too scared to admit to it.


Concluding/ Transition (C):

Lots of different people came together to avoid conforming but throughout history people were forced to conform because of the fear the government created.




Paragraph #4: Modern Day Witch Hunt Thematic Connection


Topic Sentence (T):

Unlike in the Crucible where every Puritan was forced to conform, now only some do, most people gather together to march for what they want.

Explanatory Sentence (E):

Like, The Million Women March which happened all around the world to support women and protest against what is not right.


Evidence (E):

“Thank you to the millions of people around the world who, on January 21, came together to raise our voices. But our march forward does not end here. Now is the time to get our friends, family and community together and MAKE HISTORY”(


Analysis (A):

So many people wanted to stand up and avoid conforming to future that nobody wants. 3 times more people came to Washington march then at Trump’s inauguration showed up. In the crucible everyone conforms because they believe that God wants them to. Now people follow their heart and decide what they believe in. Then there was not a lot of freedom of speech and you can not march against someone in charge like Danforth. People have the power now to march against Trump and just women’s rights in general because that is what they believe they can change history. People are being forced to conform because they are scared of what is to come, but millions of people who marched will not conform. Trump is making some conform because they are scared that they might get in trouble, but some won’t conform because they don’t believe what he is doing is right. But, the women’s march was not the only way people stood up. Some women in the Trump Administration decided to stand up for what was right , but one was fired, this shows us that they would not conform to keep their job. Most people in the Trump administration keep there jobs and stay dormant because they are scared.


Concluding/ Transition (C):

From, men and women conforming or standing up, to the Mccarthy era, and The Crucible, Conformity takes place throughout history and will continue because of everybody’s different views.




Paragraph #5: Concluding Paragraph (ROC)


Reflection on Thesis (R):

Through history, powerful forces create fear to support the idea of conforming and letting go of your former identity.


Overview of Main Points (O):

In the witch trial people get scared and afraid and try and stay out of it, but when they get thrown into the trial conformity is the only easy way out. Conformity is a way for people to feel normal and hide in the crowd. During the Mccarthy era people did not show affection to Russians because they were scared of what would happen if they did. In The Crucible, Arthur Miller show people conforming to the laws and memorizing all of the commandments. And now protest are going on for a fight not to conform to what’s not right.


Concluding Idea (C)

People throughout America still conform to the high standards today. Conformity can be found in a school, in the government, and almost everywhere. Conformity is created by the fear the powerful minority of people are giving out. What would you do if the only way to save identity was change it? Would you stick with your idea or conform to the power?





I think that the outline template really helped me because otherwise I wouldn’t be able to get my thoughts organized. I think that the template helps you decide how your essay looks and that’s one less thing to think about. I think that this essay was the easiest by far to write because the giver essay template was different and harder to write because it was our first one. I like all of theses format that are used to create the essay because they make it feel shorter to write and easier to keep track of where you are writing.