My Parzival Essay

This is my Parzival essay. It is not done yet but I am very proud of the work I did on it. There is still a few edits that need to be made. When writing this I learned that essays can convince a outside readers opinion on and certain thing. The reason I am very proud of it is because I spent a lot of time on it and I think I gave good evidence to say that by Parzival asking questions it helps him.

6th grade math


This is a page from my take home test. I did okay. I could of studied more. There was stuff I did really well and stuff I didn’t do well. I think if I studied more I would of done better.


6th Grade Math


This is one of my pop quizzes. I got a 2 on it. I think I could of studied more at home to prepare for it. I think after I got a pop quiz back and I didn’t get a good score I would get down on my self but then not try to get better at it.

6th Grade Math



This is my progress report for xtramath. I think I could done more work on it because there was some days where I forgot to do it. If I had did it more it would help me would multiplication.



This is one of the quizlet sets I study. We use quizlet to help us study for Mandarin for stuff like test and quizzes. This is an example of a video that we watched to help us with Mandarin.


Before and After of Math notebook

Photo on 10-13-15 at 5.08 PM Photo on 10-13-15 at 5.09 PM

Before                                                                    After

In the before image you can notice that my work is a lot less organized on the page.

However in the before image everything is neatly written on the page.

Also in the before image there is no date and title but in the after one there is.

Eli’s Hero Essay by Eli Harris

People who are solution oriented, risk takers, positive and are driven by passion should be heroes. Also when you’re a hero you have to have both mental and physical strength. When you have these traits in a problem, you can get through it. Heroes arise through problems when they are driven by their passion. When Jackie Robinson was fighting for his rights he showed heroic traits, but when Ulysses was to get home he only showed stereotypical heroic qualities. That shows he is not a hero.


When Ulysses was trying to get home from Troy he showed heroic qualities like strength but being strong does not mean you are a hero. Being strong is one thing, but when being a hero you also need to have mental strength. After Ulysses stabs Polyphemus in the eye, Polyphemus tells Poseidon to punish Ulysses. Ulysses gets punished for not thinking. If you want to be a hero you need to have mental strength and physical strength.


My modern day hero is Jackie Robinson and he is a hero because he got through all the hard times the white people were giving him. When you have hundreds of people yelling at you about you playing the sport you love (or doing the things you love) and then you are driven with your passion, you are a hero. When Jackie Robinson got up to bat, people would yell hurtful words at him and he was not allowed to fight back.  He scores a run to show them he is meaningful. With Jackie Robinson’s passion of the sport, he drives through the problems he had. When you have a problem but get through it with your passion, you are a hero.

What if there was no racism in the world? In the modern world there is still racism and there needs to be a hero that steps up and fights against it like Jackie Robinson. I am inspired by Jackie Robinson because he was fighting for his rights. The reason of writing this essay is when you read it you are going to want to be a better person and have the traits of a hero. If there were no heros in the world problems would occur all over the place. That is why we should remember heroes.


The reason we wrote this essay is because without heroes in the world problems would occur all over the place so heroes are very important.

My website

Toward the end of the year in d-lab we one of the things that we did is create a website. I had a great experience doing it. I learned tons about code that I did not know before.

I would want to make more websites in the future.

Mandarin third quarter

In the third quarter we learned many things including school supplies, basic sentences, the happy birthday song, Chinese new year characters. We also had a big test that we had to study for. The third quarter was the hardest but we learned a bunch.

Operation Manual

IMG_20150414_085355642_HDR This is my operation manual for earth. It is a manual on how to run earth if humans go extinct and another species comes to earth. We had to come up with different ideas about different rules like garbage never goes away and if you disrupt the food chain species could go extinct.